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Truly essential Morrowind mods?


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I am going at things somewhat backwards. I played Oblivion first, and have just ordered a copy of Morrowind to give it a go too. With Oblivion, there are several mods that are truly essential to play the game, then after that it comes down to personal preference. Succinctly, you need the Unofficial Patches, an Interface mod, as well as an Overhaul and/or a levelling mod. Does Morrowind have any mods that are absolutely essential, or is the game more `perfect' and Morrowind mods are simply about enhancing, rather than fixing?


Are there any game `quirks' I aught to know about too? I heard that quicksave is dangerous, for a start.

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The Morrowind Patch Project and the Morrowind Code Patch are the only true essentials. 99% of the mod users also use Better Bodies.


This thread is pretty useful


It's true that Morrowind's mods are more about enhancing than fixing gameplay elements. There aren't really any big gameplay overhauls that almost everyone uses.


Not much can be done with the UI but it's pretty good as it is. All information is on the screen at once in several windows, you can move them, resize them, hide them, or put them on your HUD while you're playing.


No real quirks, it's just that things like combat may be different than you're used to if you've been playing Oblivion. This page sums up the major differences between the games.

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The Morrowind Patch Project and the Morrowind Code Patch are the only true essentials. 99% of the mod users also use Better Bodies.


This thread is pretty useful


It's true that Morrowind's mods are more about enhancing than fixing gameplay elements. There aren't really any big gameplay overhauls that almost everyone uses.


Not much can be done with the UI but it's pretty good as it is. All information is on the screen at once in several windows, you can move them, resize them, hide them, or put them on your HUD while you're playing.


No real quirks, it's just that things like combat may be different than you're used to if you've been playing Oblivion. This page sums up the major differences between the games.

After playing both games, I would say Morrowind is more about quests where you have to fetch things for various NPCs; also Oblivion has a more advanced gameplay feel to it in my opinion.

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