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Awakenings bug, cant progress through vigils keep


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So...odd bug. Starting awakenings, imported my rogue. The three darkspawn attack at the beginning, then there are no more darkspawn outside. So Oghren keeps telling me there's still darkspawn to kill...when there is not, because the game never spawned them, so I cannot talk to him or get through the locked door near him. There's plenty inside the keep, but only the 3 outside that attack after the first cut scene. Anyone else encountered this bug?

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Standard troubleshooting for this sort of problem is to remove ALL your mods, then add them back and test until you identify the cause. If you have lots of mods, add them back in batches. When the problem occurs take out the last batch and then add half of them. Rinse/Repeat.


BTW: There's no such thing as "load order" with Dragon Age. At least, not in the sense that term is used with TES games.

There is a strictly an alphanumeric, "folder-and-filename" search. The LAST one found with the appropriate name is used.


And since authors can name their (overall) mod whatever they like, and players can name sub-folders in their "\override" folder anything they like, even two players with the exact same set of mods might have them perform/operate differently in their respective games. While it can take a lot of trial-and-error, it is possible to selectively re-name things and see if that fixes a specific issue. (But where to start...?)

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