floranais Posted September 18, 2010 Share Posted September 18, 2010 hello, I just bother you for a very stupid question .... Wrye Bash tells me to fix my file "Oblivion.ini", my game will no longer smith normally I have to always start with a backup. message Wrye bash is: ( Your Oblivion.ini should begin with a section header (e.g."[General]"), but does not. You should edit the file to correct this.)in Oblivion.ini I:[General]SStartingCell = SStartingCellY =SStartingCellX =SStartingWorld = STestFile10 =STestFile9 =STestFile8 =STestFile7 =STestFile6 =STestFile5 =STestFile4 =STestFile3 =STestFile2 =STestFile1 = bEnableProfile = 0bDrawSpellContact = 0bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess = 1iHoursToSleep = 3bActorLookWithHavok = 0Special SMainMenuMusicTrack = \ tes4title.mp3bUseEyeEnvMapping = 1bFixFaceNormals = 0bUseFaceGenHeads = 1bFaceMipMaps = 1bFaceGenTexturing = 1bDefaultCOCPlacement = 0uGridDistantTreeRange = 15uGridDistantCount = 25uGridsToLoad = 5fGlobalTimeMultiplier = 1.0000bNewAnimation = 1fAnimationDefaultBlend = 0.1000fAnimationMult = 1.0000bFixAIPackagesOnLoad = 0bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath = 1bKeepPluginWhenMerging = 0bCreate Maps Enable = 0SLocalSavePath = Saves \SLocalMasterPath = Data \bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck = 1bTintMipMaps = 0uInterior Cell Buffer = 3uExterior Cell Buffer = 36iIntroSequencePriority = 3bPreloadIntroSequence = 1fStaticScreenWaitTime = 3.0000SCreditsMenuMovie = CreditsMenu.bikSMainMenuMovie = loop.bik MapSMainMenuMovieIntro = Oblivion iv logo.bikSIntroSequence = HD720p.bik Bethesda Softworks, 2k games.bik, studios.bik game, Oblivion Legal.bikiFPSClamp = 0bRunVTuneTest = 0STestFile1 =bActivateAllQuestScripts = 0fQuestScriptDelayTime = 5.0000Special SMainMenuMusic = \ TES4Title.mp3bUseThreadedBlood = 0bUseThreadedMorpher = 0bExternalLODDataFiles = 1 Can you tell me what I need to correct please? thank you, kiss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobo1010 Posted September 18, 2010 Share Posted September 18, 2010 can you post your full ini?i checked it and it match mine just i have more lines but they are there becouse of some mods or becouse i put them in there myself so no missmatch at allbut just in case i put you a copy of my general: [General]SStartingCell= SStartingCellY=SStartingCellX=SStartingWorld= STestFile10=STestFile9=STestFile8=STestFile7=STestFile6=STestFile5=STestFile4=STestFile3=STestFile2=STestFile1= bEnableProfile=0bDrawSpellContact=0bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess=1iHoursToSleep=3bActorLookWithHavok=0SMainMenuMusicTrack=special\tes4title.mp3bUseEyeEnvMapping=1bFixFaceNormals=0bUseFaceGenHeads=1bFaceMipMaps=1bFaceGenTexturing=1bDefaultCOCPlacement=0uGridDistantTreeRange=15uGridDistantCount=23uGridsToLoad=5fGlobalTimeMultiplier=1.0000bNewAnimation=1fAnimationDefaultBlend=0.1000fAnimationMult=1.0000bFixAIPackagesOnLoad=0bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath=1bKeepPluginWhenMerging=0bCreate Maps Enable=0SLocalSavePath=Saves\SLocalMasterPath=Data\bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck=1bTintMipMaps=0uInterior Cell Buffer=3uExterior Cell Buffer=36iIntroSequencePriority=3bPreloadIntroSequence=1fStaticScreenWaitTime=3.0000SCreditsMenuMovie=CreditsMenu.bikSMainMenuMovie=Map loop.bikSMainMenuMovieIntro=Oblivion iv logo.bikSIntroSequence=bethesda softworks HD720p.bik,2k games.bik,game studios.bik,Oblivion Legal.bikiFPSClamp=0bRunVTuneTest=0STestFile1=bActivateAllQuestScripts=0fQuestScriptDelayTime=5.0000SMainMenuMusic=Special\TES4Title.mp3bUseThreadedBlood=0bUseThreadedMorpher=0bExternalLODDataFiles=1bBorderRegionsEnabled=0bDisableHeadTracking=0bTrackAllDeaths=0SCharGenQuest=0002466EuiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize=67108864uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize=67108864SBetaCommentFileName=bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit=0bCreateShaderPackage=0uGridDistantTreeRangeCity=4uGridDistantCountCity=4bWarnOnMissingFileEntry=0iSaveGameBackupCount=1bDisplayMissingContentDialogue=1SSaveGameSafeCellID=2AEEAbAllowScriptedAutosave=1bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0iNumBitsForFullySeen=248iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400SOblivionIntro=OblivionIntro.bikbUseHardDriveCache=0bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion=0bDisplayBoundingVolumes=0bUseThreadedTempEffects=0bUseThreadedParticleSystem=0bUseMyGamesDirectory=1bCheckIDsOnInit=0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
floranais Posted September 18, 2010 Author Share Posted September 18, 2010 thank you, I do not see much difference, and I see no error .... I do not understand why Wrye bash tells me to edit this file to fix it, my game is really a problem, crash out and not start a new game, but I can not find the problem .... thank you for your help, kiss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LFact Posted September 18, 2010 Share Posted September 18, 2010 Delete Oblivion.ini(Not Oblivion_default.ini!! It's template for Oblivion.ini) then restart your game. Unless you messed Oblivion_default.ini, the game will regenerate Oblivion.ini in your \My Documents\My Games\Oblivion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
floranais Posted September 18, 2010 Author Share Posted September 18, 2010 thank you, this operation eliminates the error message given by Wrye bash .... but does not change my crash problem in game release and still can not start new parties have to use a backup (sewer outlet). kisses Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobo1010 Posted September 19, 2010 Share Posted September 19, 2010 when the game crashes windows creates a log in the control panel (cant say the name of the tool becouse im not using english windows) but check the log for the oblivion.exe if its something coused by other file/program just post it and maybe i can find a solution.other than that maybe is a problem coused by a mod so please post your load order and im sure someone will find the problem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
floranais Posted September 19, 2010 Author Share Posted September 19, 2010 That's it....good luck and thanks :) kisses. • Oblivion.esm• Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm• ScreenEffects.esm• Cobl.esm• TamRes.esm• CyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esm• DremoraCompanion .esm• Oblivion Sexualized Monsters.esm• CM Partners.esm• Easy_Companion_Share.esm• Toaster Says Share v3.esm• Lattamerv3.esm• X117race.esm• Lovers with PK.esm• RaceFrameWork.esm• BreakUndies.esm• Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp• DLCShiveringIsles.esp• TamRes.esp• P1Dseeyousleep.esp• AddMapMarkers.esp• MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp• Charon’s Call by Nicoroshi.esp• RGMsCheerleader.esp• Slof’s Boners ! v5.esp• Unlimited Wear.esp• StockClothingArmorHGECnormalD.esp• R18PN – Amy Armor Set.esp• Cobl Glue.esp• Cobl Si.esp• Cobl Tweaks.esp• Cannibalism.esp• Extended Imperial City Version 1.0.esp• Extended Chorrol.esp• Extended Skingrad.esp• Abriael_Human.esp• Heroes of Cyrodiil.esp• Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 2.esp• Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 3.esp• Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 4.esp• Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 5.esp• Pats Business Mod---Shop Version 2.0.esp• TheElderCouncil.esp• Elder Council Plugin 1.1.esp• Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp• Apachii_Heroes_Store.esp• Knights.esp• Damarask.esp• Millstone_Farm_Cobl.esp• PortableOblivionPortal.esp• SetBody.esp• ResetEmotionAfterCombat.esp• Corean_hair_for_Original_race.esp• PHVanillaEyesAddon.esp• CuteElf11.esp• _Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp• Beautifull People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp• Beautifull People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp• Beautifull People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eyes.esp• Beautifull People 2ch-Ed Merged Eyes Modules.esp• IDKRRR_C_race.esp• IDKRRR_C_race_closed_mouth_version.esp• Chocolate Elves.esp• AsharasSirensAndTritons.esp• Ancient Elven Sorceress – EV.esp• X.Races.comp.esp• TSS Custom Companion Template.esp• Toaster Says Share Faction Recruitment.esp• CM Partners.esp• CM Partners NPC.esp• CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp• DremoraCompanion.esp• KT_CustomRaceFix.esp• ScreenControls.esp• Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp• Bashed Patch, 0.esp• CleanQuit.esp• OSM-Only male.esp• Lovers_NA.esp• Lovers with PK.esp• Orientalv1_3.esp• Faction Order System.esp• [Calsar] KOTN_Shrines.esp• NoMoreCrime.esp• The Sixth Element – no willpower.esp• MQ Refusal – No Gates + Get Horse.esp• UnlimitedTraining+x5traincost.esp• No ArenaRainment.esp• Bard of Cyrodiil 2.0.esp• Goranga dating system.esp• Specialanims.esp• Goranga restaurant job.esp• Gems of rebuilding.esp• CDM – Name That Home.esp• Jouabilité_zones_frontalieres_inactives.esp• MuffinShare.esp• CommandNPC.esp• AbyssDemon.esp• LoversMpc.esp• LoversIdleForceReset.esp• LoversVoice.esp• LoversContraception.esp• DallsPaladinHorse.esp• LoversSucMP.esp• LoversAphrodisia.esp• ZOMBIES ! – 28 days and a bit V2.esp• Zombie Forts.esp• LoversBed.esp• UFF & RM Morrigan Armor.esp• LoversNTRburglar.esp• Lop-ears Elf.esp• LoversSetBody.esp• TGND Fantabulous Formal Dresses.esp• TGND Warrior Skin.esp• HS-Armor01.esp• R18PN – FuruFuru Armor.esp• 1SB_RavenousEleganceOutfit.esp• Mass Decay.esp• BFG’s Open All the Gates.esp• Moonshadow Elves – NoSc.esp• LoversHypnosis.esp• LoversBackup.esp• LoversRaperS.esp• Imperial City Buyable House.esp• LoversStopSweetDeath.esp• LoversHideMenus.esp• LoversStopCombatEx.esp• LoversTachiCat2.esp• LoversDRader.esp• LoversAdultPlayPlus.esp• LoversBornGalgat_B.esp• LoversPayBandit.esp• LoversDiag.esp• Daedric Armor Chest.esp• CursedArmorForLovers.esp• FarView.esp• Objets_collection_de_bracelets_v1_6.esp• Cliffside Temple.esp• CuteElf11 Blue Portal Buf-Fix Patch.esp• 9sNankaSet.esp• cmDrianna.esp• Kvatch Battle.esp• Armurerie.esp• Unequip Broken Armor.esp• LoversJealousy.esp• LoversMB.esp• SkoomaDeals.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobo1010 Posted September 20, 2010 Share Posted September 20, 2010 try to run boss im almost sure that you are runing some outdadet mods like the cleanQuit.esp i think fastexit2 replaced that, other than that im checking some mods i did not know of them but i only can do it in my free time so its going to take some time.also try to check the date on your files and chage the duplicated ones with wrye bashand try to look for conflicts with the big mods like Beautiful People 2ch-Ed, Cobl and the extended city mods Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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