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My Companion Just Buggered Off


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As the title states,


I ahve CM companion mod (right name?) and I recruited a little companion named smitty and I have had him ever since level10 and I am now level 22 but the male without a father just ran away from me one day and I couldnt keep up lol, so i fast traveled to the shack at the waterfront and ever since then I can not find him or any trace of him....


Also in the notes of the mod it says I should have a partners ring or something, I dont and never have :(


I want him back :'(...he also has a crap load of my stuff and lots of picklocks and repair hammers and a full enchanted deadric armor set :|.....hes like awesomenly just done a bunk with everyting lol.


Any ideas?


(Loading back would be a pain, I have came a good level or 2 without him and also done a fair few of the caves and quests with max diffuculty)

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Go into your quest dialog and find the 'Partners' quest. Make it active, and you will see a marker on the map, showing you where he is.
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