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Basic guns/weaponsmithing for Skyrim


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I honestly don't know if this specifically has been requested (probably, but there's a ton of backlog in the forum).

Anyways, I'm thinking some kind of gun mod might be welcome. I'm not talking anything like an Avenger Minigun or Mini-Nuke, but maybe something simplistic like an old blunderbus or the like. A primitive handgun or two would be welcome as well. (stuff that was available around medieval times, or even into the 18th century (for the more advanced pieces).

Might need to add a few resources.. black powder, saltpeter, or other general stuff to make the crafty goodness.

Have it start with some kind of "time traveler" , "dimensional escapee", or whatever kind of vernacular fits your definition of how someone with that kind of knowledge winds up in the Skyrim universe. Have him stuck in an inn, or even random encounter on the road (save him from something or just watch him blow some poor innocent rabid animal to pieces) and the main character can interact with him in some way to learn his secrets.

I'd do it myself, but alas, I lack even the most rudimentary skills to actually make a mod.. (I could learn, but I really need to dig into some research I suppose).

Again, just a question of interest and feasibility.

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