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I finally found 100 nirnroots!!


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I'm able to buy the grand exploration potion and its awesome. Although it took me awhile to find so much nirnroot. The potion fortifys a lot of the attributes like 10 pts and gives you night eye for I think 300 sec. Its a great potion
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I think its useless no offense, all in all i only have about 3 nirnroots. They take forever to find and the potion is only for a short time so there is no real use. If you really want that potion use the console or add that potion into the game with CS
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I think its useless no offense, all in all i only have about 3 nirnroots. They take forever to find and the potion is only for a short time so there is no real use. If you really want that potion use the console or add that potion into the game with CS


Sure, you could do that, but then you wouldn't have the satisfaction of seeing the seeking your roots quest in the completed section, or the blisters on your hands from running all over the place trying to get them.


Seriously though, they aren't that hard to get, there are like 2-3 near every small lake you come across, and they respawn. I usually have like 30 or so by the time I can be bothered to go to skingrad.

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I don't bother actively looking for Nirnroots, but I do keep an eye peeled while I'm out running other quests and errands. Usually I'll wind up with 3-4 of the things every few game days, and I stash them in the IC shack until I've got enough for the next level of elixir. Another good way to find them is to go out and train your athletics stat for a while- since swimming levels athletics faster than running, and nirnroots grow in/near water, why not kill two birds with one stone?


I agree that the elixir really isn't worth the trouble of hunting down nirnroots just for the ability to buy that one potion, since in the same amount of time that takes you could have leveled up all the relevant skills and applied the same stat boosts to enchanted items. However, it is a nice little bonus if you pick up the plants while you go about your normal business and, every now and then, drop in to get a free potion.

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Aside from the quest, has anyone found out any good potions one can make with the nirnroots? I haven't tried, but I doubt I could coax an elixir of exploration of even mild potency with my apprentice apparatus... can it be used as a poison? That might give some good reason to harvesting the plant after the quest is over.
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