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I finally found 100 nirnroots!!


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Current count: 114 Nirnroots— and I haven't scoured the coast yet.


I guess a Master of Alchemy would be able to brew a Drain Health poison out of it. There's a reason why all the characteristics of Nirnroot are "Drain ____": no other ingredients exhibit those qualities and thus its impossible to combine Nirnroot to produce anything.


By the way, it takes Sinderion a full 24 hours in order to produce anything useful from the stuff— just what did you expect to create in the .25 seconds it would take for your character to have a crack at it?


Once the quest to create a Grand Elixir is over, Sinderion will pay you for every batch of 10 extra Nirnroot that you bring back to him.

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its bcome a hobbie, i dont kno why, i just find myself looking for nirnroots, after clearing out a fort of marauders. (i hate the marauders)

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  • 1 month later...

So far I've found 302 nirnroots. Why? Maybe a touch of OCD...... Not really worth anything other than to say I did it.


Now I'm just irritated. STILL NEED #$%^&$ 3 of THEM!!!!!


Anyone know of a way to find a PARTICULAR item in the game?

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hmmm...I just can't be bothered, I don't think the potion is THAT worth it...


for me it's not the potion, it's having the ability to say I found all of the rarist plant in Cyrodiil.


Nirnroot count: 291, almost there!


search the coast of Anvil there is many there, about 10 or 11, and they seem to come back in some places.

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Well I have found 170 so getting 100 ain't no sweat. Just follow all the rivers and search the swamps on the east side of the lower Niben. There are over 300 roots in the game. But I never bother with the potion, just the fame points.
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