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Game crash at exit with "expansion" mods


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First, let me explain the types of mods I use. I have FOOK and Project Nevada, of course; visual improvements like body replacers and NPC overhauls; worldspace improvements like Wasteland Flora and Goodsprings reborn; a few immersion mods for weather and lighting; some miscellaneous gameplay mods like manual reload; and a buttload of mods that are best described as expansions, like A World of Pain, the Someguy Series, and Warzones.


Now, my game runs fine with everything I use. My issue is that when I quit the game, it actually hangs, then crashes. Obviously that doesn't hinder my ability to play, but it is kind of obnoxious. I've deduced that it must have something to do with the "expansion" mods because when I deactivate most of them (but not all, and it doesn't seem to matter which ones I leave activated), the issue goes away - or it at least has something to do with the sheer amount of data I'm playing with.


Does anyone have any thoughts regarding this? It's not a priority since the game isn't making a habit of crashing on me until I've actually decided to stop playing, but some assistance would be appreciated nonetheless.

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The easiest answer is to quit the game by opening the console, typing qqq and hitting enter, the game will just vanish. Another thing that would work is installing this http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34832/? and then open the sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini file (located in the Data/nvse/plugins folder) with notepad, finding the line "bFastExit = 0" and changing it to "bFastExit = 1".

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