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Doors and Gates overhaul


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I have seen this mentioned before but nothing i can find has been done about it. im looking for a mod where you can Lock, barricade and/or Seal Gates and Doors. the reason for which i want this is RTS (real time settler) i always am on the look out for the perfect place for my RTS town, and i think i found my favourite in the republic of dave. with its fence and its buildings (which i can use throught the use of the OWNED mod) i think its a perfect place to start and exspand from, plus it is very far removed from other civilisation (which is a bonus).


But the problem i have is the gate, i dont really want to use the killable children mod, i have a slaver mod already so im evil enough. but the kids can always get in. what i want is a mod where if you have the key you can lock doors, if others do and you cant/dont want to kill them (Children or Essentials) then you can barricade, which can be broken (or not if thats to much to do) and finally the abillity to seal a gate or door for good (unless someone wanted to make it an exsplosive entry point). now i dont mind if all 3 were made or just the lockable gates and doors, but in that case maybe an ability to change the keys to a skeleton key you have so NPC's cant just open it and need you to do so.


I have attempted to make this mod (and no matter how pathetic i am by not being able to) i was not able with my current skills, im generally a modeler or mesh creator what ever you want to call it and at the moment i lack the skills to make this mod myself.


anyone who can make it or knows of one, i would really appreciate your help.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm looking for the same mod, and it's possible, but until then, just try to use the Lock console command. If you dont know how, hit the ~ on your keyboard, click on the gate, then type in lock 1000. It requires a key on any door, even if there is no key specifically for that door. I'm using that for now until i get the locking mod.
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