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Spellblade blade idea


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So I've been bouncing ideas around my head ever since I started coming to the end of my current skyrim playthrough and one of the ideas seemed to have some possibilities to me. I'm not really familiar with the CK so I have no idea if what I'm thinking of is even possible.


The origin of this idea was the Spellblade and one of the permutations of "spell/attack/block" gave me the idea to use the Offhand rather than the main hand as the sword hand (the "blade" part of spellblade).


If you think about a Shield in Skyrim, you have all the mechanisms in play you need. Blocking, bashing, power bashing, so my thought is to make a "shield" that is actually a sword, with higher bash and power bash damage and extra range.


Theoretically, this is much like a fencing style. The "block stance" would be you with your weapon at the ready, the "Bash" would be like a reposte, and the power bash would be like a lunge.


So I figured I'd ask people that have spent more time in the CK then myself before I start looking down this road. Is turning a Shield into a Sword not possible or could I be onto something?



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That sounds relatively feasible. I know very little about modding. But you could make a shield with a mesh like a sword. It would behave like a normal shield. Block with the blade and bash with it to attack, so to speak. I've never actually used a shield in Skyrim sadly XD Didn't know about power bashing. Add hidden enchatments that increase bash damage (Pretty sure there's a perk for something similar in Vanilla. Could like into a modified version of that?) As for range, no clue how that would be done. Sorry haha. Hope I helped at least a little. I would be very interested in something like this though.

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