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Why crash every 30min?


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May you explain this



Clicking on the orange/red mods will show you what masters they have, and what order they want them in. From here on in, it becomes like a puzzle: you need to manually drag and drop the various masters in your load order until their order is harmonious ( IE:. you've managed to provide the desired order of master files for every single ESP in your list simultaneously ) and all of your oranges have disappeared.


I have to drag and drop some mods to make them work nice? Its didnt do LOOT? I move mods in every possible direction and nothing change, still is orange. ;/

Edited by BruceW
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in a situation like that you need to do the middle option listed below :smile:


D) If it's not possible to eliminate all orange mods, you may need to one of the following:


  • Manually download and manually install the mod - sometimes they are corrupted, this has worked for other people in the past that I have helped one-on-one
  • Sort the master files for the orange mod in FNVEdit
  • Ditch one or two mods / patches - last resort

In reguards to LOOT: LOOT never has been, and never will be 100% when it comes to sorting mods. As long as you use mods you will almost always have to sort a few - several mods manually

Edited by gromulos
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idk they are sorted well, i mean mod and above master files. but they are still orange...


e.g i have mod calling: Alternative Repairing - Bottle That Water.esp (desc: You will now get your empty bottles back from crafting whet stones.)


Its works but its still orange too..

Edited by BruceW
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bump pls


Pss. My game automatically crash when try to enter gunrunner headquarters;/


Ps2 from nowhere i got this red message http://anony.ws/i/2014/12/29/1.png ;/


And new one, i cant load order my mods well cuz one needs something like that falloutNV.esm -> honest hearts -> old world blues and another conversely i mean falloutNV.esm ->old world blues->honest hearts so this impsosible to remove orange mods;/

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