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Throwable money


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This is such a great idea! Actually I totally want to do this! I won't be able to do any modding until Dec 30 after my Christmas vacation but after that I should be able to whip together this mod unless someone else beats me to it (which would of course be completly totally cool). A project like this shouldn't take more than a week to do I'm surprised it doesn't already exist.


Thank you so much for posting this idea I love it!

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I switched out some frag grenade models with the ncr $100, $20, and $5 bill, and the legion $25 and $1 coin, and the "Pre-War Cash Stack". They have no damage on contact and have the same range as the frag grenades do. There value matches the bill selected, and the pre-war money is 10,000 (I figured 100 - $100 bills). I changed out the sound files to something more fitting for contact with objects/people, and the pipboy icons. I put 1000 of each in a briefcase in front of the Atomic Wrangler in Freeside.


As far as any scripting, I'm no help there, sorry. Also, you can't pick up the money after you've thrown it, :confused:. I'll post the mod on the Nexus, and if anyone can help with scripting, then that's awesome.


(The paper money won't look right in your hand in 1st or 3rd person views, as they weren't meant to be held by the player, but the coins are fine.)



Edited by SKYZOO
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