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NPC's don't look at character


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Recently, Every save of mine has started having the same problem which results in all of the actors not looking at the player. It doesn't really bother me when I'm talking to someone who's as tall as my character and they are standing up, because they are automatically faced towards me. However, if the actor is taller or shorter than me, then they just stare ahead and not look at my char's head. Same goes for when actors are sitting down, they look straight ahead and not at the player.


My first thought was that one of the mods I downloaded was the problem, but that would have to be in a different topic, but I'm not starting two.

My top suspect was the mod EDialog. I disabled this mod and went back into the game but no avail. I re-activated the mod because I like it.


I can't think of anything else that could be causing the problem. I doubt that it could be because of a change of the .ini, but I can't really understand what the variables mean.

All help is really appreciated!


EDIT: Never mind. I foolishly didn't read the EDialog functions and didn't realise that there was a big, fat button that resets the head tracking.

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Edited by billyro
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