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Okay, I just reinstall TES:IV


So I just figure out that some mod. Custom Animation for example DOES NOT work with TES:IV. (Please keep reading)

HOW EVER if the mod has a esp. Or the animation is install via "OMM" it will work.

BUT most custom animation mod you simple drag and drop into the Meshes folder and the game will replace it.

THIS DOES NOT apply with user with STEAM or maybe Windows 7.


I read many comments in "Custom Animation" mods where we all share the same OS and downloaded via STEAM.


Anybody have a solution?


Try "AMAZING JUMP" mod if you have TES:IV via STEAM & Windows 7 64bit.

Other mods such as OOO does work.


Please read carefully so I don't have to restate myself.

I don't want to hear, "Did you install it right?" or "Make sure you drag & drop the Meshes folder in the DATA"

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Okay, I just reinstall TES:IV


So I just figure out that some mod. Custom Animation for example DOES NOT work with TES:IV. (Please keep reading)

HOW EVER if the mod has a esp. Or the animation is install via "OMM" it will work.

BUT most custom animation mod you simple drag and drop into the Meshes folder and the game will replace it.

THIS DOES NOT apply with user with STEAM or maybe Windows 7.


I read many comments in "Custom Animation" mods where we all share the same OS and downloaded via STEAM.


Anybody have a solution?


Try "AMAZING JUMP" mod if you have TES:IV via STEAM & Windows 7 64bit.

Other mods such as OOO does work.


Please read carefully so I don't have to restate myself.

I don't want to hear, "Did you install it right?" or "Make sure you drag & drop the Meshes folder in the DATA"


You state that "most custom animation mod you simple drag and drop into the Meshes folder", and you give an example of "AMAZING JUMP". Well, if you drag the contents of the archive into Meshes, it simply will not work, since the folder structure of the archive is:

\Amazing Jump\

..\Ramy Motion\





So, either I have misunderstood you, or you haven't installed it correctly.

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Okay, I just reinstall TES:IV


So I just figure out that some mod. Custom Animation for example DOES NOT work with TES:IV. (Please keep reading)

HOW EVER if the mod has a esp. Or the animation is install via "OMM" it will work.

BUT most custom animation mod you simple drag and drop into the Meshes folder and the game will replace it.

THIS DOES NOT apply with user with STEAM or maybe Windows 7.


I read many comments in "Custom Animation" mods where we all share the same OS and downloaded via STEAM.


Anybody have a solution?


Try "AMAZING JUMP" mod if you have TES:IV via STEAM & Windows 7 64bit.

Other mods such as OOO does work.


Please read carefully so I don't have to restate myself.

I don't want to hear, "Did you install it right?" or "Make sure you drag & drop the Meshes folder in the DATA"


You state that "most custom animation mod you simple drag and drop into the Meshes folder", and you give an example of "AMAZING JUMP". Well, if you drag the contents of the archive into Meshes, it simply will not work, since the folder structure of the archive is:

\Amazing Jump\

..\Ramy Motion\





So, either I have misunderstood you, or you haven't installed it correctly.


No no no, like I said, I know I install it CORRECTLY.

I was just giving an example, with poor choice of word that got you to perceive what I was saying incorrectly.


I open the achieve all the way to "MESHES" and drop it into my data. Simple. again. ITS INSTALL CORRECTLY!

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You need to use ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated! to be able to use mods that alter the cosmetics using the stock files. Make sure to register it in your Oblivion.ini, making it the first in the list or else it won't work.


I tried that. Didn't work.

I check the .ini and its in the correct place. "SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa," ETC...

If u have doubt if I install it correctly please know that I DID. Everything is install right.

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I just said that ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa needs to be the first in the list and you show me that you have it second in the list...


If you're not using Amazing Jump, why don't you tell us what animation you're trying to use and maybe we can actually help?

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I just said that ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa needs to be the first in the list and you show me that you have it second in the list...


If you're not using Amazing Jump, why don't you tell us what animation you're trying to use and maybe we can actually help?


Actually, ArchiveInvalidation bsa only needs to be the first TEXTURE entry, since only texture bsa files are effected. In fact, if you read the AAI readme, it states:




What it looks like after adding the new BSA to the list:

SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa



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I just said that ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa needs to be the first in the list and you show me that you have it second in the list...


If you're not using Amazing Jump, why don't you tell us what animation you're trying to use and maybe we can actually help?


Like Hickory POSTED ABOVE I did INSTALL IT CORRECT. the Readme.txt said to put it that way ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa

UNLESS your telling me NOT to follow direction from the DEV who made it. Or u urself did not install it correctly.


I'AM USING AMAZING jump, when did i state that I DIDN'T use it.

Its the only mod i'm using to test if the animation work or NOT.

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I forgot where I found this but it seem to work!


So someone told me to make a .BAT file.

and add my .KF files I have in my meshes folder.



"copy /b handtohandidle.kf +,,

copy /b handtohandskill1attackpower.kf +,,

copy /b handtohandskill2attackleftpower.kf +,,

copy /b handtohandskill2attackrightpower.kf +,,

copy /b handtohandskill3attackbackpower.kf +,,

copy /b handtohandskill4attackforwardpower.kf +,,

copy /b jumploop.kf +,,

copy /b onehandjumploop.kf +,,

copy /b staffjumploop.kf +,,

copy /b jumploop +,,

copy /b twohandjumploop.kf +,,

copy /b bowjumploop.kf +,,

copy /b handtohandjumploop.kf +,,"


and ran the .BAT and it WORK.

I have no idea what it does. CAN ANYBODY HELP ME OUT?

Animation is WORKING now but can I avoid adding more line to my .BAT file?

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