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Form IDs within TES4EDIT to affect mass changes


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Does anyone know if there is a location that has a complete list of form Ids that can be used within CSV files for the purpose of mass-changing a mod. I'd like to affect a change on a mod that could possibly include gender changing (male to female flag), KFFZ animation, skeleton change, and race change. The mod I am interested in changing has over 300 NPC entries. (one of the Crowded Roads offerings) Manually changing each one is time-consuming, and one slip of the finger I can delete a line and end up corrupting the file, relegating my hours of work useless.
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I cannot answer all your questions, but forget about gender change. The body changes, but not the face, and you lose dialogue if it's unique to that NPC as well.


I'm of the opinion that all of my wishes can be done via scripting. I have personally changed all of the genders in one of the versions of crowded roads to all female. Yes, you can get some UGLY female NPCs this way, but with 'Pretty Woman' animations, the BBB more than offsets the ugliness (and you can always copy the hash of a pretty NPC into the ugly one to fix the really offensive faces.) Believe me, this is for BBB and not for conversation purposes--the affected NPCs have no conversation other than greeting, no rumors, no quests. I just hate having to do it one by one on 300+ line entries--this should be a scriptwriter's challenge.

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There is the OBSE command SetFemale, but this is what the wiki says: Changes the Female flag on the actor. Changes are saved but may not be immediately visible.


You would still need the ID Ref of that NPC for the script to work. Using a loop while script would do this automatically for you, but you would still need to isolate the one's from the mod you wish to change from every other NPC in the game. This can be done by adding a token to each NPC of that mod ( or place them in a unique faction ), so the script will affect only them. But you will still need to go through all 300+ Npc's to do this. And they will look UGLY yes :) animations or not.

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