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Stalker SoC


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I love this game, didn't take me long to finish it, but I'm got keen on starting it up again since I have to go through all the junk when you take the true ending route. Being stupid I used the glitch to open the last door without doing what was neccesary first, and I am now stuck in an endless loop of not finishing it but finishing it at the same time. Hahaha. :biggrin:

I want to keep playing since it was an amazing game. Duty all the way!

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"Welcome aboard our swamp icebreaker" lol.



Loved all three of these games, they have kept me busy while waiting for new stuff from Bethesda. I know they have bugs but that can be sorted with mods etc. I think the atmosphere in them is outstanding, and nevermind Snorks, its those invisible Bloodsuckers that give me the willies.


Just replayed through Call of Pripyat with the "White Mod" installed, gave the game that cold snowy Siberian always winter impression that many westerners seem to have of that area of the world, twas quite excellent.


If you like the Stalker series you might like Metro 2033 as its made by a group that broke away from the Stalker gamemakers to do their own thing, similar post apocalyptic genre but more linear gameplay but I forgave its linearity when it started to creep me out in the tunnels etc.


Later in the game theres plenty of unexpected cack yer pants moments and one in particular had my heart hammering away like a steam train, my housemate laughed himself silly at me till he played it and shat his pants at the same moment.


Wish there was more game out there like these.

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I've never played Metro 2033, and since I'm currently out of a job, I don't see it happening any time soon.


As for carp-your-pants moments, all three stalker games were loaded with them for me, anyway. It first happened when you went into the military facility for documents that Sidorovich asks for near the beginning of SoC. That controller was freaky!


I'm about fed up with waiting for Elder Scrolls V as well. Do you think us modders might end up making it ourselves? :P

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