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Missing female Khajiit texture


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I have installed:

Robert's female/male body replacers and the Oblivion Character Overhaul, in addition to both of Robert's compatibility patches for OCO. However, there
is some texture(s) missing from the female Khajiit. I've tried invalidating the archive, bash patching it, etcetera but nothing has sorted it out yet.

You should be able to see an image for example. Any ideas on how to remedy this?

Image may be too small for you to notice what I'm talking about so let me tell. . . It's from shoulder to toe, there's no texture that makes the Khajiit female look like she
has fur. The texture seems blurred. This is only happening with the female Khajiit, every other race is working as it should be and that's including the male Khajiit. . . .

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It isn't missing, that's not how Robert's body texture works. It's one single large image. I also can't really tell what you're talking about from the image you provided. Perhaps you just don't like the texture in the area.

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