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Changing the slot on armor? Please help.


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I am looking for a mod that adds circlets AS helmet replacers. Not a mod that adds circlets that use the (A) amulet or (T) tail slot. So far I haven't found anything so I decided it might be easier to just take a circlet mod like KDCirclets and convert it over to use the helmet slot.


What would I change in the CK to do this? I have made a few follower mods in the past so I am somewhat familier with the CK. Would this be fairly easy?


Edit: Heh, I gave it a try, changing the armor slot from amulet to head. It seems that the change makes the whole head dissappear in game.

Edited by Murielkai
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First off, in Oblivion it's the CS, not the CK, but that aside, yes, the process is indeed rather simple.


Provided the NIF file used already is ready for use as a helmet item...


depends on the way the amulet or tail slot items have previously been set up, and there's 2 different ways to set up helmet NIFs even,

as they can be located close to the 0 point, taking the 0 point as location of the Head node, and their orientation being relative to the Head node along the X or Z axis used as forward direction (the exact details escape me currently, but it was a weird orientation, required for head shape morphs to function on it),

OR just like regular armor items located right at the top of a full player skeleton armature (afaik with this one morphs won't work anymore then, but it's easier to create of course)


...it's just a simple switch in the slot coverage section (labeled "Biped Object") of the item in the CS, unmark the whatever-slot and mark the Head slot.


However, do keep in mind that there are 2 slots used for helmets, and each with its own drawbacks:

Head - replaces your entire head with the item - hair, ears, eyes, everything will be gone,

Helmet/Hair - replaces only your hair with the item - hair and ears will be gone, rest should still be visible.


As you can see this makes using a mere circlet as a helmet kind of senseless, as you'll inevitably be bald and earless, in the best case, and completely missing all things above your shoulders, in the worst.

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Yeah, I just found out everything you said by trying it myself. Changed the slot to "hat" rather than head and it worked but no hair, lol. Well it was worth a try I guess. I suppose that is why it hasn't been done by someone else...

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I don't see why not. It wouldn't be any different than making an armor piece.

People have troubles with the head models only when they want to change the heads shape (from what I've read,the bigger the change,the bigger the troubles). I think you'd have zero problems making the things you want.

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Indeed, hair + ears + circlet 'can' work, but the hair and ears will not conform to your head's shape, when you slimmed or broadened it in CharGen for example.


Look up one of all those 'wig' mods which are floating around in large numbers. Adding a circlet to a ready-made wig should be no problem at all, besides some minor clipping into the hair at places.

However, I'm unsure if those wigs were morph-controlled or not, as if they are, they won't be anymore as soon as the number of meshes in the NIF raises above 1.

Then again, most of them are rigged last time I checked, and you cannot have rigging 'and' morphing at the same time either. So chances are good those wigs cannot morph to begin with, anyways.

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