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Deadly Reflex Crash


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Hello! I just downloaded Deadly Reflexes. I did all the right stuff, as I do with my other five trillion mods, but when I activate the esp for Deadly Reflexes and start the game with OBSE18 it crashes just as the Bethesda credit video starts playing. I know thats vague, but does this ring a bell with anyone? Can anyone give me some help here? :wallbash:
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I downloaded Wrye Bash and All the python stuff. Read up a bunch, did a few things, created a Bashed patch, but that did no good, it didn't even include Deadly Reflexes. Infact, all of this seems to have made things worse. I can get through the intro scenes, into Oblivion and to the Load save game screen. But When I load a save game, it crashes. And I can't create a new game for some reason. It's all quite confusing. :wallbash:
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Best way would be to use Wrye bash or Oblivion Mod Manger (click on new conflict detector and check what is making all the troubles ) but if that wont work then...

I always do one thing

Uncheck all mods then start game if work, then add Deadly Reflex files and launch game via OBSE if all will works then add few more mods and see if it works if not one of them/or few are making game conflict.

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Thank you, and Kudos to you both. I re-organized all of my Oblivion stuff. Turned out that I was continuing to install OBSE16 instead of version 18. Dumb error on my part. Everything works fine now,
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