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Best Ranger...


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Blade, Marksman, Athletics, Acrobatics.


Uses sword and bow, forsakes travel along the roads and opts for the 'shortcuts' of cross-country, hence Speed would be a good thing. Acrobatics to jump atop boulders and whatnot for ease of travel and safe perches for attacks with the bow.

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Wow, it was staring me in the face and I couldn't see it.... must be all that skooma... thanks. People are going to be pissed at me for just typing thanks because now it will be on top of New Posts. lol...
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Thanks guys. Yeah I decided to go with this:


Specialization: Stealth


Favored attributes: Agilty, Speed


Birthsign: The Ranger(essentially the Warrior, but gives bonus to marksman and athletics as well)



Athletics, Acrobatics, Blade, Marksman, Light armor, Restoration and Sneak.


I didn't do Alchemy, cuz an appartus is just extra wieght, and so is an repair hammer. Restoration takes has the best effect as far as health, and with Sneak I can stalk my prey, killing them before they kill me.

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