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The Crimson Shadow: A New Guild + Quests Recruiting Team Members!


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The Crimson Shadow


Help Needed

Quest Makers


Exterior/Interior Designers



Current Story

A mysterious man, named Don Lobon, contacts with a letter and asks you to join his guild, The Crimson Shadow. He states that the mission of the guild is to protect Cyrodiil and its citizens from an ancient, mysterious evil. He also requests that you come see him for more information. After a trek to access his guild hall, deep underground, he welcomes you into the folds of the guild, hoping that you can advance the guild's cause and protect cyrodiil. You advance in the guild and gain more and more suspicion as the quests he sends you are to collect ingredients and artifacts. You wonder what he could need such things for. He soon sends you on the a quest that partly confirms the thought that he may not be all that he says.. He asks you to kill your fellow members, wherever they may stand. Soon after that, he sends you to an abandoned fort, deep within Blackwood Forest. Delving into a dungeon that doesn't seem to fit the image of an abandoned fort. You encounter dark creatures, ones that you have never seen before. After braving the long dungeon, you see an ancient artifact. It is not easily reached though. The leader of all those dark creatures stands before you. After successfully beating it, you reach the staff, but things do not occur as you thought they would. Don has reached his goal, thanks to you. Using the artifacts and ingredients you collected, he obtains a dark power within the staff. He can control the shadows that you have seen many times in the dungeon. After you manage to defeat him, despite his power, you can control it yourself. What is done with this artifact is entirely up to you....


Current Members

Armagedd0n - Creator and Team Leader

TehBuddha - Story Writer and Texture Maker

TheDragonEmperor -Story Writer



Currently Being Worked On

The Guild Hall: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m7X30ZhWHM (There has been progress since the time of the video.)


Comment about whether you want to join and any questions you may have.

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