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city worldspace


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I'm trying to create a small town in it's own worldspace using tamriel als its parent (like all the cities in oblivion).


My steps in the Cs where:


1. World --> Worldspaces..

2. Right click in the Worldspace window--> New

3. Made a unique ID, in this case: aaEndswellworld


Name: Endswell

Parent Worldspace: Tamriel

Music: Public


Small World

No Lod Water

4: Press Ok


Now I have a new worldspace which i can open in:


A. World --> Cells..

B. Cell view --> Worldspace --> aaEndswellworld


In the Tamriel worldspace I edited the landscape to my liking (made a big hill out of it :P) and for views sake a wall and gate around an area where my city will be with a few dummy houses in it so it will actually look like a town when approaching.


From this point on im completely at loss how to use the cells in Tamriel as a base for this child worldspace.

In both A and B I only see Location 0,0 and I dont seem to be able to add new locations to it. (except for clicking on the wilderniss 0,0 which seems to only generate a few new cells based around its location).


My question is:


How do i use the tamriel parent cells in this worldspace ?

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You'll have to travel to where your city is in the CS, by dragging your camera all the way to where you plan to build. Also, remember that any landscape changes in a child worldspace affect the parent, and vice versa.


Don't worry about the cells generated as you travel, though. Unchanged cells seem to be removed later.

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You'll have to travel to where your city is in the CS, by dragging your camera all the way to where you plan to build. Also, remember that any landscape changes in a child worldspace affect the parent, and vice versa.


Don't worry about the cells generated as you travel, though. Unchanged cells seem to be removed later.



Thank you very much ub3rman123


I've been searching the net for almost 14 hours about worldspaces and could not find anything about this specific "problem".

In hindsight it makes perfect sense, just a "go to specified cell" rightclick option would have been nice in the render window :)


*happily starts messing up the world again*


Thank you very much for your help :D

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Yeah, apparently not loading the whole worldspace keeps file size down, although I'm not sure how that would affest parent spaces. Anyways.. Make sure you know that the same changes occur in both worldspaces! I made a huge pit once accidentally under Borderwatch thinking it'd only affect my worldspace.
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