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Strange Graphics Problem.


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This JUST started happening today and I have no clue why. I haven't installed any new mods or done anything differently, these things just began randomly appearing - I mean like ALL over the place.





...Thoughts? Ideas? :confused:


Edit: It might be worth mentioning that they don't really *originate* from anywhere. As in, where I get close to where they seem to be coming from, they are gone. They are only ever in the distance.


Thanks in advance for any help!

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Maybe it's because of videocard

Try to reinstall your video drivers or update them


Thanks for your quick reply,

I already tried updating the drivers though and it had no effect. :sad:

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Do these artifacts appear immediately when you play? of does it wait a while before they start?


If there is a waiting period it could be the video card overheating. Check the card. Remove it from the motherboard and clean the dust out of the air channels. Clean the socket on the motherboard where it plugs in. Then after reinstalling, make sure any fans on the card are working. And all of the chassis fans are clean and working.


Here is a link to my article on cleaning your computer.

Cleaning your computer


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I suppose it depends on how you define "a while" - it is not immediate, but I wouldn't really say a while either, maybe 5 minutes or so. That said, I'm sure cleaning the computer definitly wouldn't hurt either way, but the video card has never had any problems like this before and I would be suprised if it suddenly started over heating that rapidly. (Although, admittedly, I am not a computer hardware expert lol.)


Also, after kind of messing around with the game a bit to see if I could track down the issue, I noticed that this really only happens in the Kvatch - Anvil area. Once I start getting back past Skingrad it happens hardly ever, if at all, and seems to be centralized in areas with high tree density. So whatever it is is both specific and mysterious. Really at a loss as to what is causing it, or why it would just start out of the blue.


Thanks for your response and your help :) it is appreciated.

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