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Trouble With Skydomes


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Hello, I sent word to some modders and am also posting this notice just in case. I need help altering a vanilla New Vegas Skydome so that it has this texture. I stopped modding briefly to play both Dragon Age Inquisition and Destiny, the later of which gave me a brilliant idea. Undoubtedly, if you see this texture you can put two and two together and figure out what I am building. And, just so you know... its going to look VERY realistic.

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Oh, a walkthrough will do. Whenever I try and alter things the model doesn't appear to show the new texture. Thus the trouble on my end. I'm pretty sure that its some small stupid error that I am missing, not a pull the nif and custom alter it sort of ordeals.

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I'm poking my head around in geck, paint.net and my extracted BSA's, seeing if I can can come up with a new solution. I've always had the same problem as you stated, if I figure it out it's yours.


Edit: Holy crap...no idea how to do this, tried a lot of things in a short span :wallbash:. My internet's too limited tonight to do a decent search for a tutorial (which I've never found or seen yet :facepalm: ), but I'll try again tomorrow, and follow this thread in-case someone has a easy answer.

Edited by SKYZOO
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Well, something happened...I extracted and retextured the wasteland.dds files and added this folder here (http://wikisend.com/download/316326/SKY DOME PLANE RE TEX.rar) into the data/textures folder , and this popped up in GECK when looking at the skydomes/skyplanes...didn't matter if I tried 4096x4096 or 512x512, same look and result.


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After a lot of effort I finally just said screw it and created a custom climate. It doesn't look quite like I wanted it too... but... overall I think that I will give it a pass. Mainly, I wanted that custom skydome for the space station parts... but... beggers can't be choosers. I'll make sure to drop in some links after about a week when the test building is finished. I think you'll like this...

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