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aastealthsuit script missing


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There is no single script.

The stealth armor has 3 effects:


  • DLC02StealthArmorEnchantmentEffect (only starts and ends an effect shader)
    scn DLC02StealthArmorEnchantmentSCRIPT
       PMS DLC02StealthShader
       SMS DLC02StealthShader
       PMS DLC02StealthShader
       SMS DLC02StealthShader


  • StealthField
  • IncreaseSkillSneak


The last two effects are also used by the StealthBoy. Just use them, you don't need the shaders.

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i do have FOSE, but the problem is that when i crouch with stealth suit i dont turn invis anymore. I thought it had something to do with this mod since i put it in the data folder, so i removed it. that didnt fix it so now im trying to get the mod working to turn me invis
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Yeah, possible, since this Mod disables the "crouch -> stealth" function and manges it by switching the X key. But removing the Mod from your load order, should restore the vanilla function.


If it doesnt work, you only can remove your modded item from the game and your saves.


1. Load the Mod and start your last save game where the armor is in your inventory.

2. Drop it

3. Open the console and click the armor active

4. Enter MFD into the console

5. Close the game and remove the Mod

6. Launch Fallout and cheat your vanilla stealth armor back ( Item code: xx00c18f )

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MFD isnt working, you need to enter "MarkForDelete" instead, e.g. like this



4. Enter MarkForDelete into the console and save

5. Close the game and remove the Mod

6. Launch Fallout and cheat your vanilla stealth armor back ( Item code: xx00c18f )


Though it may also work if you cheat you another stealth suit only, but if you remove the modded suite, it might be a cleaner way to get rid of it.

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