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Fallout ini missing! D:


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Okay so I went My documents -> My Game -> Fallout 3, the think is, I don't see Fallout.ini, all that is there is a file called 'Saves' I'm not really sure whats going on here, I even searched for the file and I still got nothing. I was wondering if its possible to download this file and just plug it in the Fallout 3 folder.
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Just start the game from the disk. That will create a new ini in there for you.

Nope didn't work.

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When you first start the game, it creates 2 files in that location. Fallout.ini and Falloutprefs.ini If they are not there, the game cannot start until it creates them. If they have been removed it will automatically create them again using the fallout_default.ini located in the Fallout 3 folder as a template, then will try to set your video settings based on what it finds and use that information as a part of the newly created files. It also makes several entries in the Windows registry at this time which will prevent you from moving things. You need to have administrator privileges to do this.


Copying those files from someone elses computer will not work and can cause problems as they use information found during installation about your particular computer, especially the video card, audio system, ram memory and file structure. If the ini says you have an ATI based video card and you really have an Nvidia based card, it can make your computer unbootable as it can make changes to your Windows registry based on the wrong video card.


Has the game ever worked?

Are you installing it with administrator privileges?

What version do you have?

Where did you install to?

Have you tried to reinstall?

If it is a pirate version - sorry about your luck. We do not support people who do not support the game makers.

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