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Thank you Calliton for avoiding actual use while expressing the desire for profanity. ^.^ I don't see that often enough. Get the point across while being Work Friendly. Although I suppose I do at times go overzealous with my opinions of work friendly, and take it to "Work at Church Friendly, with children and toddlers and baby kittens and a severed head of a serial killer who kills using Lucky Charms and chokes people to death with the baby kittens. You know, that kind of work safe.


Ban the inventor of Windows 7 because it restarted the computer after an update and both things didn't prompt when happening, so I didn't have a chance to stop it, and I lost everything that I typed, then I come back, type this, and it automatically deletes it all and restores what I lost after like 30 seconds. Ya, that's stupid. You're banned from life!!!!!!!!!

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Nice... Stabbers, you know? They think that their date will pay even after showing them their true fetish. Stabbing people in the eye. I mean, sure it's not really a fetish considering it is done for no reason of sexual desire or stimulation, but still.


Ya.. Gotta hate stabbers.... <.< >.> .... Ya.. the stabbers... not me...


Be well, sleep well, stab well, live as long as you bleed.


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I was informed today that either the developers or someone else... the message was rather vague... Stole my idea and pretended it was theirs, my UnderCover idea for New Vagas. BAN THE PERSON WHO STOLE MY ABILITY TO DO THAT FOR THIS GAME! Darn man, it was ganna be my first mod for it too.
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How? I have no evidence aside from the obvious. It is their property, and in downloading I agreed that all I create in any mod, and I'm sure their clause includes somehow ideas implemented, is all their property.


It's an issue of complete disrespect, lack of care for the consumer, common courtesy and just doing the right thing.


That's pretty much it. The very LEAST they can do is in the credits, cause I'm absolutely sure I'm not the only one they ripped ideas from claiming them to be their own even though 1.7 million people can easily see evidence they're full of poppycock, is put "Fan Base Inspiration and Ideas", just giving the username and the website associated with the username for it. But they won't, because that would mean that they are willing to admit that not all of it was their own idea. EVEN THOUGH it's a smart thing to do as it proves their good businessmen by allowing modification and websites sites like these to exist which DOES give them ideas. Really, it would be a bragging right, but no. They won't. Because they need to be God and need to know everything. It ALL has to be THEIR idea.


God. I used to have faith in Bethesda.


Ban that person again!


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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