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Wrye Bash/Animation Problems. HELP?!


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Ok i'm having a really hard time with my animations lately. Usually NPCS use the default animations when we use Mao's Animation Overhaul? This was working fine and only just recently NPCS are using the custom animations now too and I really dont know why.


I have tried creating a bashed patch to force NPCS to use the default vanilla animations but still to no avail and i'm really stuck, i spent hours last night and now after a few more i'm totally confused.


I'm not too sure what info to give like load order or bash settings so if they are important please ask away any help is appreciated. I can give screenshots too.

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Yeah, I've installed an OMOD of KSTN's 1H Spear Animations and the non-omod of the 2H Heavy Blade variant. I installed Personality Idols 4 quite a while back and that stopped working due to the Animation Overhaul mod except for Idle replacers but i wasn't too fussed about that as the NPCS stuck to their default animations in combat




So far i've narrowed it down to just Bandit NPC's, town guards have the same weapons eg. swords and are attacking vanilla style. I loaded up a really old savegame that only has a few mods installed (no FCOM, Personality Idols 4 or even idle replacers) with both the above mentioned custom animations and Mao's and I got the same results. Bandits attacking with custom anims

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Ok, uninstall all of your animation/pose mods, then completely delete the \meshes\Characters\_male\ folder. Now reinstall just the animations that you want.
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I deleted everything inside the _male folder as you said and i decided to delete the entire personality folders, and then re-installed the animations. This has really done the trick thanks a lot. Also, i've been able to find out what else was causing the problem. I think it was FCOM as well as the _male folder. The save without FCOM had the NPCS using Vanilla this time around so there was a plus. But a save i had with FCOM enabled had the NPCS using the custom animations.


I think its a shame really, I like FCOM but having the NPCS using custom animations is so irritating and I haven't a clue to change it or look further into it so I have decided to sacrifice those extra 10 hours so I dont have to put up with it.


Thanks though, Hickory. Without that tip I would have lost sanity trying to figure that out

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