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Encumbered - not able to move BUG


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Recently returning to play (vanilla) Skyrim with a handful of mods installed, I've found as soon as I get encumbered my hero cannot move. I'm not sure what is causing the problem though I did hear some repeated 'clicking' noise when I hit the Shift key which I believe is the same one for walking (which is what happens when you get encumbered).


But my theory is because I'm using limitless bag space on my horse through an add-on, then as soon as I carry too much weight, it adds all the stuff my horse is carrying, hence I cannot move!


If anyone has a solution or another possible explanation and a way to fix it I'd be grateful to hear it. Otherwise I'll have to empty out what the horse is carrying and see if that clears it up.

Edited by Sorello
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Have you actually tried reducing the encumbrance to see if that is what is causing it? As encumbrance in Skyrim does not normally keep you from moving at all, just makes you move very slowly. And it doesn't matter how much over you are you still move at the same speed - 1 over is the same as 10000 over - I have tested this myself when looking into an encumbrance modifying mod.


The W key is used for moving forward, the caps lock is for toggling between walking and running, holding shift down allows running if your toggle is set to walk and walking if your toggle is set to run.

And I used a bag-of-holding mod where I was able to put over 10000 weight in the bag and still move normally. One bug was that if you put too many items in the bag, some would just not show on the inventory ( usually whatever you were looking for at the time) but when emptied, they were still there.


Knowing that it really is encumbrance and not a bug that does not allow you to move will send troubleshooting in a different direction. There are several game bugs that will not allow walking, but do allow looking around - and they have nothing to do with encumbrance.

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  • 2 years later...

Had a similar problem, and I found that for me the thing that was causing it was the mod "Wet and Cold" with it's reduced movement speed during a blizzard (strong winds), as the glitch occured when I changed cells from an interior zone to the "real world" during a snowstorm. Disabling this part of the mod (via mod options located in the "powers" menu) fixed the problem for me.

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