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Unable to load my game saves.


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Dear Skyrimgamers,


I cannt load any of my saved games recently. Ive tried everything that is recommended when one is having loading problems with game saves.

I can load automatic saves when leaving buildings or cities, but sometimes the game crashes almost immediatly when I start moving. Other times it crashes when I try to save my game or it gets stuck in the inventory while loading my horse sadlle. And If I get beyond all that the game surely freezes while crossing the bridge of Windhelm. This area has always been some problem in the game to me: very sensible and causing game crashes when to much is happening at the same time.

Ive restarted my game from the beginning for the fifth time right now very far in the game (between level 55 and 60, without resetting any skills to zero) and I really aint got the intension to restarting the game once again to end up at some high level with a game that keeps crashing.

Enclosed Ill find my mod loading order and some performance monitor reports during the crashes.


What I have done before posting this problem issue:

1. Ive run boss and no load order problems appeared. Boss ran through my mods untill the end, without any interruption or mentionning any problems.

2. Ive run Skyrim performance Monitor repeatedly during loading my saves to monitor any problems. Enclosed youll find some of these monitoring reports.

3. As my ram kept going over 2.000 MB (the game restriction??), Ive used Skyrim texture Ordenador to reduce the max use of ram and I did this both by running the texture and bsa module. But in the game my ram-ussage seems to stay at the same level, although the total kb-reduction must be over 200.000 by now.

4. At the end of my wits, Ive also inactivated some of my mods, trying to reduce the total ram ussage of my game. You can nevertheless see them in my mod loading order.


Im I right thinking that I cant reload my game-saves as long as the total ram-ussage is above 2.000 when saving my game? Or is this a wrong assumption?

And finally, if so can anyone tell me how tor reduce it? Anything Ive done didnt seem to make enough difference to make the game run properly or make me able to reload my saved games.


Please, someone help me!!


Yours sincerely,



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In addition to what I have told about my problem with loading my saved games, I've added now the report of the game performance Monitor.
In this written report I've found the following problem:
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Total VRAM: 2,048 MB
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Primary Screen Resolution: 1,600 x 900
LoadEnvironmentInformation: WMI Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
LoadEnvironmentInformation: OHL Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
LoadEnvironmentInformation: DXGI Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
LoadEnvironmentInformation: ATI Utility Output: Could not load DLL: atiadlxx.dll. Your video card is probably NVIDIA.
LoadEnvironmentInformation: ADL Detected Video Cards: None Detected

Could not load DLL: atiadlxx.dll
ADL detected Video Cards: none detected.

Can anyone tell me what this means or if this is that is causing my faillure to load my saved games?
Normally my NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760 works perfectly. And if this is what is causing the problem, why only when I try to load a saved game and not when I load a automatic saved game (entering or leaving building or city)?

Thanks a hell of a lot for an answer.




Entire performance report:

====================================== ENVIRONMENT INFO START ======================================
LoadEnvironmentInformation: SPM Version: v3.66
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, v6.1.7601.65536 Service Pack 1
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Windows Culture: en-US
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Is Administrator: True
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Microsoft .NET Version: v4.0.30319
LoadEnvironmentInformation: SlimDX Install: SlimDX Runtime .NET 2.0 (January 2012),
LoadEnvironmentInformation: DirectX Version: DirectX 11
LoadEnvironmentInformation: CPU Name: Intel® Core i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz - x4
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Total System Memory: 4,077 MB
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Primary Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Total VRAM: 2,048 MB
LoadEnvironmentInformation: Primary Screen Resolution: 1,600 x 900
LoadEnvironmentInformation: WMI Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
LoadEnvironmentInformation: OHL Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
LoadEnvironmentInformation: DXGI Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
LoadEnvironmentInformation: ATI Utility Output: Could not load DLL: atiadlxx.dll. Your video card is probably NVIDIA.
LoadEnvironmentInformation: ADL Detected Video Cards: None Detected
======================================= ENVIRONMENT INFO END =======================================
========================================= FOUND DLLS START =========================================
Please Note: Some of these are included in Skyrim, others are likely from mods.
Searching folder: "C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim"...
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\atimgpud.dll
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\binkw32.dll
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\skse_1_9_32.dll
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\skse_steam_loader.dll
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\steam_api.dll
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\Data\skse\plugins\CharacterMakingExtender_plugin.dll
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\Data\skse\plugins\hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\DirectX10\DSETUP.dll
C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\DirectX10\dsetup32.dll
========================================== FOUND DLLS END ==========================================
================================= MISCELLANEOUS INI SETTINGS START =================================
Common Settings in ini: C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini
uExterior Cell Buffer:
uInterior Cell Buffer:
================================== MISCELLANEOUS INI SETTINGS END ==================================
==================================== RELATED GAME TITLES START =====================================
Looking for installed Titles containing "Skyrim"
Found Game Title: "Skyrim Performance Monitor", Path: C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\Games Corrections\Skyrim Performance Monitor\
Found Game Title: "Skyrim Save Manager", Path: C:\Program Files (X86)\Savg\Skyrim Save Manager\
Found Game Title: "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim", Path: C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim
===================================== RELATED GAME TITLES END ======================================
========================================= DEBUG INFO START =========================================
InitializeAndBeginMonitoring: Starting Launcher Process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\skse_loader.exe.
InitializeHotkeys: In-Game Hotkeys Disabled: False
BeginMonitoringTESV: Entering Monitoring Process for Main Program: C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim\TESV.exe.
BeginMonitoringTESV: Begin Initializing PerformanceCounters.
BeginMonitoringTESV: End Initializing PerformanceCounters.
BeginMonitoringTESV: Found custom D3D9.dll file: False
BeginMonitoringTESV: Attempt support for D3D9: False
BeginMonitoringTESV: Safe Mode: False
InitializeHotkeys: In-Game Hotkeys Disabled: False
BeginMonitoringTESV: Attempt Hook: True
BeginMonitoringTESV: FPS Process Exists? False
BeginMonitoringTESV: Begin Initializing FPS Process.
BeginMonitoringTESV: Detecting screen dimensions for purposes of positioning the counters...
BeginMonitoringTESV: FPS Process successfully created.
BeginMonitoringTESV: Begin FPS Hook.
AttemptHook: Calling AttachProcess() Begin.
AttachProcess: Calling RemoteHooking.Inject() Begin.
AttachProcess: Calling RemoteHooking.Inject() End.
AttemptHook: Calling AttachProcess() End.
BeginMonitoringTESV: End FPS Hook.
BeginMonitoringTESV: End Initializing FPS Process.
BeginMonitoringTESV: Hook Successful: True
Run: DLL Injection succeeded.
Run: 64-bit Process: False.
Run: IDXHook.Hook() Before.
DXHookD3D9: Hook: Begin.
DXHookD3D9: Hook: Before device creation.
BeginMonitoringTESV: Begin Monitoring Main Program: TESV
BeginMonitoringTESV: Combine ENBHost.exe Memory: False
BeginMonitoringTESV: Detected ENBHost.exe process running: False
DXHookD3D9: Hook: Device created.
DXHookD3D9: Hook: Creating EndSceneHook.
DXHookD3D9: Hook: Creating ResetHook.
DXHookD3D9: Hook: Creating PresentHook.
DXHookD3D9: Hook: End.
Run: IDXHook.Hook() After.
BeginMonitoringTESV: "TESV" Pixel Height: 1,273.
BeginMonitoringTESV: "TESV" Pixel Width: 2,263.
FPSDispose: Disposing FPS Process.
========================================== DEBUG INFO END ==========================================

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The first Error....=ATI Utility Output: Could not load DLL: atiadlxx.dll. Your video card is probably NVIDIA.<<<<YA you have Nvidia NO reason for SPM to load an ATI .dll... :smile:


The Graph shows the problem....you are loading more VRAM then your card can handle. Lime green line....That is up at the Dark green line (MAX) you need to lower Texture load.


The Yellow line = System RAM, that can go as high as 3.1 GB , BUT if we also run an ENB , the boost feature takes over and the sky's the limit at that point..(Well actually 192 GB). <<Good luck reaching that!!


For comparision = PIC <<in that pic we can see at the very start, the yellow line goes to 3.1 then drops as ENB boost offloaded RAM ... :smile: least i think that's what happened, any way the game did not crash ..went for 2.5 hours..


DIsable these , start the game with SPM running post that graph!

Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1
Then download the optimized versions. Then make sure you have these running also..these may be needed to get the game loading again.
Stable Ugrids to Load (even at default Ugrids this is needed)
SKSE w/SKSE.ini (Memory blocks ) replaces SSME.
ENB, all current version of official ENB come with the Boost feature, use with or without graphics. (memory management)
This is nothing more then texture overload according to the above graphs. Have fun.. :smile:
EDIT: to add... AMD Display Library SDK (ADL for short)..so since we have Nvidia...gonna show None detected...all good.
Edited by camaro_69_327
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Thank you for your answer, camaro_69_327.

Now I know for sure it's a ram problem and I can solve it by further reducing texture in my mods.

Although I must say some areas in the game are far worse than others. With the reduced texture I already had I was able to leave the area of Windhelm by leaving the city and then immediately mounting my horse and fast travel (something I normaly never do) to the closest location I could fasttravel to. Then saving my game over and over again for a few times and the problem was fixed.

Then after some travelling around fighting and killing of some dragons, when staying for some time in Dawnguard smithing and selling of my upgraded goods the problem appeared again.

Now I'm further reducing my texturespackmods.


But I tried to find ENB again, as I tried to download it before. But I only find cites where some talk about using ENB but there is no area where I can officially download it. Can I help me in this area, pls?













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Get ENB from the source>.ENBdev.com (linked in guide below).


Click download page> Then click Skyrim. Then choose a version (think 264 is current) then on bottom of page is a down facing arrow...That is the download Button.


You can use this Guide from STEP to configure the ENB.>> Guide:ENB Pretty sure that is to have just the BOOST feature. IF you want to have a full ENB you will also need the ENBseries.INI and a preset.


The STEP team has a lot of good Guides so here is the Main WIKI page. <<<Bookmark that.


Search for reduced textures, an example is >...Vanilla Reduced Textures by alt3rn1ty

Another Guide to help This one covers a lot.>>.Modding Beginner's Guide by tony971


Have Fun....post a current Graph, curious how its going...:)

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First of all I want to thank you, Camaro, for your suggestions and help. And I can load and save my games again since I finally was able to install ENB. And I can play again,

But each time I start moving again I have to hold down the key for a real long time (just less than half a minute) before my player gets moving, which is very anoying.

Also when I start the game I get 8 times the following message: 'Cann't find entranceport of procedure Direct3Dcreate9.ex in Dll-bestand d3d9.dll.

After clicking 8 times, the game entry starts and I get the following message in red above my screen for a few seconds: 'Patch speedhack ENBoost turned on in enblocal, graphic modification disabled.

So I guess some settings are still wrong.

But for the rest the game plays well and saving and loading my saves is no problem any more. But the retard in my player starting to move, is really anoying. So if anyone can help me.


====================================== ENVIRONMENT INFO START ======================================

LoadEnvironmentInformation: SPM Version: v3.66

LoadEnvironmentInformation: Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, v6.1.7601.65536 Service Pack 1

LoadEnvironmentInformation: Windows Culture: en-US

LoadEnvironmentInformation: Is Administrator: True

LoadEnvironmentInformation: Microsoft .NET Version: v4.0.30319

LoadEnvironmentInformation: SlimDX Install: SlimDX Runtime .NET 2.0 (January 2012),

LoadEnvironmentInformation: DirectX Version: DirectX 11

LoadEnvironmentInformation: CPU Name: Intel® Core i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz - x4

LoadEnvironmentInformation: Total System Memory: 4,077 MB

LoadEnvironmentInformation: Primary Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760

LoadEnvironmentInformation: Total VRAM: 2,048 MB

LoadEnvironmentInformation: Primary Screen Resolution: 1,600 x 900

LoadEnvironmentInformation: WMI Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760

LoadEnvironmentInformation: OHL Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760

LoadEnvironmentInformation: DXGI Detected Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760

LoadEnvironmentInformation: ATI Utility Output: Could not load DLL: atiadlxx.dll. Your video card is probably NVIDIA.

LoadEnvironmentInformation: ADL Detected Video Cards: None Detected

======================================= ENVIRONMENT INFO END =======================================

========================================= FOUND DLLS START =========================================

Please Note: Some of these are included in Skyrim, others are likely from mods.

Searching folder: "C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim"...

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/atimgpud.dll

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/binkw32.dll

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/skse_1_9_32.dll

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/skse_steam_loader.dll

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/steam_api.dll

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/Data/skse/plugins/CharacterMakingExtender_plugin.dll

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/Data/skse/plugins/hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/DirectX10/DSETUP.dll

C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/DirectX10/dsetup32.dll

========================================== FOUND DLLS END ==========================================

================================= MISCELLANEOUS INI SETTINGS START =================================

Common Settings in ini: C:/Users/Patrick/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SkyrimPrefs.ini



uExterior Cell Buffer:

uInterior Cell Buffer:


================================== MISCELLANEOUS INI SETTINGS END ==================================

==================================== RELATED GAME TITLES START =====================================

Looking for installed Titles containing "Skyrim"

Found Game Title: "Skyrim Performance Monitor", Path: C:/Users/Patrick/Documents/Games Corrections/Skyrim Performance Monitor/

Found Game Title: "Skyrim Save Manager", Path: C:/Program Files (X86)/Savg/Skyrim Save Manager/

Found Game Title: "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim", Path: C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim

===================================== RELATED GAME TITLES END ======================================

========================================= DEBUG INFO START =========================================

InitializeAndBeginMonitoring: Starting Launcher Process: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim/skse_loader.exe.

InitializeHotkeys: In-Game Hotkeys Disabled: False

BeginMonitoringTESV: Entering Monitoring Process for Main Program: C:/Program Files (X86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/TESV.exe.

BeginMonitoringTESV: Begin Initializing PerformanceCounters.

BeginMonitoringTESV: End Initializing PerformanceCounters.

BeginMonitoringTESV: Found custom D3D9.dll file: False

BeginMonitoringTESV: Attempt support for D3D9: False

BeginMonitoringTESV: Safe Mode: False

InitializeHotkeys: In-Game Hotkeys Disabled: False

BeginMonitoringTESV: Attempt Hook: True

BeginMonitoringTESV: FPS Process Exists? False

BeginMonitoringTESV: Begin Initializing FPS Process.

BeginMonitoringTESV: Detecting screen dimensions for purposes of positioning the counters...

BeginMonitoringTESV: FPS Process successfully created.

BeginMonitoringTESV: Begin FPS Hook.

AttemptHook: Calling AttachProcess() Begin.

AttachProcess: Calling RemoteHooking.Inject() Begin.

AttachProcess: Calling RemoteHooking.Inject() End.

AttemptHook: Calling AttachProcess() End.

BeginMonitoringTESV: End FPS Hook.

BeginMonitoringTESV: End Initializing FPS Process.

BeginMonitoringTESV: Hook Successful: True

Run: DLL Injection succeeded.

Run: 64-bit Process: False.

Run: IDXHook.Hook() Before.

DXHookD3D9: Hook: Begin.

DXHookD3D9: Hook: Before device creation.

BeginMonitoringTESV: Begin Monitoring Main Program: TESV

BeginMonitoringTESV: Combine ENBHost.exe Memory: False

BeginMonitoringTESV: Detected ENBHost.exe process running: False

DXHookD3D9: Hook: Device created.

DXHookD3D9: Hook: Creating EndSceneHook.

DXHookD3D9: Hook: Creating ResetHook.

DXHookD3D9: Hook: Creating PresentHook.

DXHookD3D9: Hook: End.

Run: IDXHook.Hook() After.

BeginMonitoringTESV: "TESV" Pixel Height: 1,273.

BeginMonitoringTESV: "TESV" Pixel Width: 2,263.

FPSDispose: Disposing FPS Process.


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