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Any Scripters out there willing to lend a hand?


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seriously caps sensitive that's the issue? ah coding nuances....thanks



annnnd Crapt it actually compiled...now on to testing to get this thing working Thanks a ton!


well script compiled, no errors, skyrim loaded...mcm menu still isn't loading anyt thoughts why i dont even get a title menu in mcm?

Edited by nekollx
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yup i can take another look but i do create the quest and attached the script as per the quick start


yup still not showing up, even went back to the beginning remake the quest scripts and remade and recompiled my script from scratch


i can't even get a basic page name to show up



ScriptName DBEScript Extends SKI_ConfigBase

event OnPageReset(string page)
{Called when a new page is selected, including the initial empty page}
event OnConfigInit()
Pages = new string[2]
Pages[0] = "Actor Details"
Pages[1] = "Page 2"
Edited by nekollx
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If it's all ok from the esp/script end, try typing in the following at the console:

setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1

This should force all MCM menus to load up if for some reason they weren't (provided they are otherwise set up correctly).

Also just to confirm, is your esp in the data folder (And the .pex file in the scripts folder) and being loaded by the game? Do you get anything referring to your mod/quest showing up in the papyrus log? In your OnInit() or OnPlayerLoadGame() events, you could put in a trace debug line, which should show up in the log (provided debugging is turned on) and confirm that something is working at least.

Edited by RealAntithesis
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Making progress finally, its compiling, showing up in MCM, and displaying my defaut text. Its not displaying the specific actor text but it's displaying something i expect.



Now i just have to figure out my my get sex and target actor conditionals are failing. It shows "Unknown Gender Unknown Race" everytime i open the mcm page When it should read Male Nord Adult based on my conditionals (sample below)



ActorBase PlayerBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetBaseObject() as ActorBase

Race TargetActor = PlayerBase.GetRace()
string PlayerSex = "Unknown Gender"
string PlayerRace = "Unknown Race"
if (PlayerBase.GetSex() == 0)
PlayerSex = "Male"
elseif (PlayerBase.GetSex() == 1)
PlayerSex = "Female"
if (TargetActor == "bretonrace")
PlayerRace = "Breton Adult"
AddTextOptionST("player's current race", "Race", PlayerSex+" "+PlayerRace)
Edited by nekollx
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What are the actual returned values from those functions? You can output them to the trace log (see the various debugging functions). Also check your papyrus log to see if it's complaining about none objects and the like which may give a clue as to why functions are failing (if they are).
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actually after baning away at it i half solved it, it's now returning the right Sex but still unknown race so it's got to be some syntax gaff i'm over looking




ActorBase PlayerBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()

Actor TargetActor
string PlayerSex = "Unknown Gender"
string PlayerRace = "Unknown Race"
if (PlayerBase.GetSex() == 0)
PlayerSex = "Male"
elseif (PlayerBase.GetSex() == 1)
PlayerSex = "Female"
if (TargetActor.GetActorBase().GetRace() == BretonRace)
PlayerRace = "Breton Adult"



especially since as it is now the error i get for that second to liass line above is


variable BretonRace is undefined

No output generated for DBEScript, compilation failed.


Not how the heck do i get BretonRace to be define

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You have to declare it as a Property on the script and hook that property up to the Form within the Creation kit (Right click the script and hit Properties) The syntax looks like this:

Race Property BretonRace Auto

http://www.creationkit.com/Property_Reference for more info.


EDIT: In case you are wondering where to place the syntax. Properties are usually placed near the top of a script outside of any events or functions.

Edited by Arocide
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i was doing that but i went in and did in manually inthe CK and noticed it played it at the bottom of my script so i think it was treating the copy i was making as local and it needed to be global...of course my Target Actor variable is now acting up.



12: ActorBase PlayerBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()

13: ActorBase PlayerBaseRace = Game.GetPlayer().GetBaseObject() as ActorBase
14: Race TargetActor PlayerBaseRace.GetRace()


(14,18): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'PlayerBaseRace'

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