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Do You Have a Dark Brotherhood Contract idea?


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i am working on a mod to add more contracts to the DB. i have 6 new contracts so far, 2 more under construction and want more ideas. if you have ever said "wouldn't that make a great DB mission" please write about it here. tell a story if you want. i want to make them a reality. :biggrin: They can be as long or short as you want and the more detail the better. kudos to people who write one :thumbsup:
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Just an idea about a mission:Some necromancers asked helped from the dark brotherhood in order to kill a high ranked member of the mages guild

Second idea:create a town in the middle of nowhere,the people that live there are gonna do rituals in order to destroy sithis and the night mother(they are gonna be somethin like Anti-darkbrotherhood guild) the player will have to try and stop them :)

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Just an idea about a mission:Some necromancers asked helped from the dark brotherhood in order to kill a high ranked member of the mages guild

Second idea:create a town in the middle of nowhere,the people that live there are gonna do rituals in order to destroy sithis and the night mother(they are gonna be somethin like Anti-darkbrotherhood guild) the player will have to try and stop them :)


Hmmmm... well i have a contract to kill some necromancers i suppose they would want to return the favor. maybe one of the battle mages that patrol the AU?

as for the second idea, that sounds kinda cool. how about you kill the leader of the cult while he's preaching (use the mankar camoran animations)? then you have to try to get away from the mob of follwers chasing you :laugh:


Encounters with the Morag Tong are always fun.


Already got them in the mod :thumbsup: with some cool new armor too. but thank you! and kudos.

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Something else like the Summitmist Manor quest would be very awesome :thumbsup:


Yes, the mass murder quests were very enjoyable. I loved the ones like SUmmitmist, where you could play through it 20 times and not see all the possibilities.


i will take a look at the summitmist manor quest. the dialog trees for that must be a pain. any ideas f ot a quest like that? location, # of people, the excuse they got to be there waiting for you to kill them, i need details!!! BTW kudos all around for responding.

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You could simplify it. How about you sneak into a meeting of noblemen, Assassin's Creed (Loosely) style, and lock the doors on them? Then pull out your battleaxe and let the fireballs commence!


that would be a lot simpler. you could have to option to lock via spell (Taught when you accept the quest) or a scroll for the not so spell oriented. Nice. thats one i can do. :thumbsup: thank you.


keep em coming people!!!! :devil:

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I have some ideas:


How about being sent to recruit a new member? You have to break him out of prison without killing any guards.


Another idea is a feud between two noble families. Family A hires you to kill a member of Family B, then Family B hires you to kill one or two members of Family A. Then Family A hires you again, then both families have the same idea: pretend to set up a peace talk in order to get all of the surviving family members in one place so you can kill them. So you end up eliminating both families. :devil: That would be fun.


And here's an idea that (as far as I know) hasn't been done yet: a group of individuals hire you to help then infiltrate a stronghold of some type and then help them get out. Your job is to be the point man (or woman) and kill any guards that are in the way.


And what about some cross-guild missions? If the Fighters Guild quest line is still active, the Blackwood Company could hire you to eliminate a Fighter's Guild team. Perhaps you could even be the one to kill Viranus Donton and his team, then place Troll corpses around to cover your tracks. Or maybe you eliminate the Trolls and then Viranus Donton and his team.


Just some thoughts.

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