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Do You Have a Dark Brotherhood Contract idea?


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It would be cool as a contract to kill a suspecting paranoid victim that would always travel and change his name, that way it would be more open ended, and give the player opportunity to explore and investigate all over tamriel, to have to track him down, and to be attacked by his goons every time he would flee from a certain city after you asked too much questions, say he´s in chorrol, you have no idea who he is, once you have asked enough questions around, he would become aware and hire somebody to kill you and flee to another city and completely change his name, somebody that could be quite a headache xD now that would be an epic contract, something with a deep backstory and lots of riddles

Maybe change the Glarthir quest to work with this. That would be fun. I mean, then you kill him, and you get a quest reward! (This would probably fit better within it's own optional addition haha) XD and I agree with dragon, it would be epic.


For my own idea:


You have to kill Chancellor Ocato (spelling??). This would be done after the main quest is finished, obviously. Maybe the remaining Mythic Dawn members are trying to get rid of the rest of the leaders? It could also be extended to include several more killings (noble ambassadors from other parts of Tamriel?). Just an idea. If I come up with more (probably will) I'll post them up here.


If you need/want a hand, I want/need to be the one to help! :biggrin: Especially on the one right up here ^ :P

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the guards would have names and the town they are from on a peice of parchment and you have to go find them then figure out how to kill them without getting caught. i want the player to figure out exactly how to do thing on there own. some contracts you can run straight at sword swinging and others you have to finess a little. i'm working on a contract right now from an extremely high ranking dremora in dagons army on a rival. but to get to him to kill him you either have to kill everyone between you and him or you have to sneak thru an entire deadric citadel (a huge one i'm working on not a pethetic oblivion gate one no offense bethesda)


oh and unless somebody makes a new animation for it hanging wont work :confused: i wish i could do that too



using glarthir (spelling?) for that quest would be perfect. just have to figure out some details but i have an idea for that. :thumbsup:



how bout sneaking into the prison in one of the citys to summon the wrath of sithis on a member who got caught and gave into interrogation?

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And more specific ways of killing. "You must kill this person here with this weapon." Like Person As food must be filled with poison. Or you must manipulate Person B to kill Person C. Possibly by a spell? Or talk themselves into killing themselves. Or killing someone with a banjo!




Not sure if you can do anything about this but something I'd really like to see is being able to snap someones neck or something else silent and fast. Maybe there already is such a thing. Please let me know if there is.



First: This would be awesome!!


Second: Unnecessary Violence II: Taking Action will include neck snapping (according to the trailer).


Unnecessary Violence II: Taking Action and the trailers for said mod are created by HeX

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Guards sounds good! Like it!

Stupid animations that doesn't exist. How hard is it to learn making animatons? :)


Definitely getting unnecessary Violence II when it's released.


Can't you get to kill someone from the Elder Council?


Hm. You get a name to a guy. You will have to do your research in library's and and talk to people to find out more about him. when you find him, he's a rich guy or something living in a village, he's very smart and well protected. The contract says something about the way he should be killed to make it a bit more interesting as well. You can either corrupt one of his guardsmen, with the risk of being told on (depending on luck/bribe/that specific guards preferences or something) or you could try to infiltrate them by joining the guards, having to do a few mini quests until you are high enough rank to meet the man himself. and then kill him by poison or sword. if by sword you get everyone after you. or you could get a job there as a maid or butler and deal with him that way. Or you can ruin the structure he's living in making it fall down and hill them. (Alternatively making something like a light crown fall onto his head.) Or you could just do it simply by sneaking past the guards and dealing with him quick and easy.

You said you liked more complex things as well. How's that smeared on a bagel and chewed carefully? (in other words, a little bit more thought through and well planned) A quest with a few different ways to do it and a few different outcomes.


It's getting late where I live so I am sorry if that whole bunch of text just came out very, un-understandable.



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Ok, how about this:


You are ordered to go assassinate the leader of a village, a short distance from Leyawiin. It appears that he/she is out of town, so you can beat up anyone in the village for info. You can't kill them until they tell you, so you can set the quest script to do it like the spoiler.




scn name

short DoOnce


Begin GameMode


if DoOnce == 0


if (getAV.actor health < 50) ; duplicated for each person :thumbsup:

stopcombat player

StartConversation NPCID Topic

setessential ID 0 ; should be essential villagers until they spill.

set DoOnce to 1




;copy this for each villager so it disables their essentialness too. But I guess you can make only one person able to tell you.


I'm not the best scripter, but I think it would work.




Back to the quest now.


Also, if possible it should be made to only be able to beat them with your fists, like in Assassin's Creed, but I find that unlikely. Once you get the location (new fort outside village), then you head to the map marker the villager gives you. You proceed to the lowest level (I was thinking 3 levels lol) and walk up to a castle throne, where the leader is sitting. It has a set of stairs leading up to it. At the bottom there's 2 guards. At the top, there's 2 guards. You go up to him and can choose 2 options (or 3 maybe)


1. Kill him then and there, and run from guards/fight them off.

2. Talk to him, which promptly makes him order the guards to kill you because you either don't say anything (he tells you to leave) or you can say the dark brotherhood sent you. If you choose the second, he yells "Kill the assassin! Get him!" or something better lol. Then the guards attack you and you can either kill him or his guards first.


After he is dead, you get a quest update saying that your mission is complete and you should report back to the mission person. (They can be Arquen, Ocheeva, Vincente, or some new guy) Then you get a special sword called Spinecracker. I would prefer this, but it doesn't have to be. It's enchantment should be Drain Health 10 points for 4 seconds, and the same with fatigue and magicka. You also get a leveled amount of gold.


Theres my idea, I'll give more, trust me lol.

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that is wonderful :thumbsup: i'm not a verygood scripter but it looks like it will work. and the whole thing is awesome. another contract for the list.


and i was already looking for a reason to put that sword in the mod :laugh: kudos.

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I love that sword. Also, maybe you could make the leader wearing this awesome armor so we can have it? With some unique enchantments like Fire shield and stuff :whistling: The Dark Brotherhood needs a worthy boss.






After looking at the script, I think it's StartConversation TopicID Player, and you attach it to the NPC... lol.It would be:


scn name

short DoOnce


Begin GameMode


if (GetAV.ActorID > 50) && if (DoOnce == 0)


StartConversation TopicID Player

setessential NPCID 0

Set DoOnce to 1




I think I fixed my script. Also, you'll need a topic for the NPC saying


"Where is your leader?"


"I won't tell you on my life!"


"That can be arranged."


"Then die trying!"


Then the script attached to the last part (you can change it, its just an idea) should be


StartCombat Player


and the tags should be Goodbye. Then when they start telling you they'll give you the location and mark it on your map. At the location's map marker, give it the ID of something like DBVillageContractMarker, and set it to Initially disabled, and on the marker info, put Visible, but not able to travel to. Then in the dialogue where they tell you, put DBVillageContractMarker (or whatever you chose).enable, no space from the (). Just some tips I thought I'd give if you didn't know how to do it yet :thumbsup:



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