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A small list of requests


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(1) I would like to see a highlander mod where immortals are put in the game with Connor and Duncan from the movie and series along with the bad guys from both. Maybe if you cut someone's head of you could get a quickening effect. There is a mod that will lift the player up in the air when absorbing a soul from dragons. Maybe lightning effects could be added during that process and powers or something gained from each enemy. Included would be the swords (yes I know the old mods exist) and would like to see updated versions to those.


(2) A heavy armor set for Redguards, unique and detailed.


(3) More Viking mods accurate to their culture (weapons and armor most seem outdated)


(4) Monty Python anything maybe a voice reaction mod from the black knight reacting to hits or my own offense. "it's just a flesh wound."



Thanks I hope someone actually looks at these things :)

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