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Not Sure how to do this


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Alright I got GECK working(finally) Ive been tinkering around with the STALKER Crossbow mod.I like the mod alone.But I wanted more kick. So I made my own crossbow(same model/textures cause i cant do that stuff) But for some strange reason,I cant get the bolts to do what I want.I want them to explode on impact or maybe a second after,like the missle launcher or Miss Launcher,How do I do this? Ive look all over(I made the ammo but I cant seem to make it explode)


EDIT Ive done so far


Create the new ammo(Expl Bolts)

Given it a place to get it(Billy Creels home in the safe w/ 400 bolts)

Given the scope a new reticle(thanks to Black Blossoms mod of the DWPPC.357 for that)

Changed the values(Little less durable,more powerful,worth more,heavier)


To Do

Possibly retex it(dont know how to do that but ill have to learn it)

Make bolts explode maybe a .5 sec after impact

Options of vendors selling them and scaving them from things Or possibly CRAFTable?



Using other projectiles.the missles do the explosion but i want to keep the AAA arrow with the explosion.

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  • 2 months later...

If you want to keep the properties of the bolt and just make it explode on impact all you need to do is find the bolt under SpecialEffects/Projectile, double click on it and check the explosion box.


Select which explosion you want from the drop down box, MissileExplosion is the one used with the missile launcher. That way the normal bolt will be fired and it will behave as you would expect, but the explosion it produces will be that of a missile launcher. I'm not sure how the Alt. trigger options would react to a projectile with no gravity but you should experiment and fiddle around with them and maybe you can get something similar to what your after.


If you want your explosion to be less powerful or have a smaller explosion for balance or bigger and more forceful for kicks you can edit an existing explosion in SpecialEffects/Explosions, rename it and select it from the drop down box when you edit the projectile. Just remember to rename it and create a new form or it'll overrwrite the old one.


Hope this helps,


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