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Downloading Nehrim


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I've only dealt with the exe file. But I would assume that it installs like most mods. So copy the majority into the data folder and put anything else that it requires outside of it.


If you don't use steam, I'd make a new fresh install in another folder.

Then copy all the files it requires. I'd also back up your saves and the oblivion ini file beforehand.


If you do use steam, then, make a backup of your oblivion folder and saves folder.

If it's a heavily modded game, I'd reinstall, if not, and no major overhauls, I'd just install on top.


I'm guessing it should work.


Otherwise, check out what's stopping you running exe files and try to make an exception.

Or if you're that worried and know the exe file is fine; Disconnect yourself from the internet and disable all you protection software and install it. Once done, reactivate it all.

It's a little extreme but I don't see why it shouldn't work.

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I've only dealt with the exe file. But I would assume that it installs like most mods. So copy the majority into the data folder and put anything else that it requires outside of it.


*spits drink onto monitor* Oh man! Nehrim installs to it's own directory; it'd be real hard to install it without running the .exe. I mean, you can use 7z to open an .exe file by right-clicking and hitting "Open Inside," but even then, it's not gonna copy your entire Oblivion directory like it's supposed to.


Hypothetically you could copy all the vanilla .bsas into the Nehrim directory but... I can almost guarantee something will go wrong. Won't know unless you try though, right?

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I just installed it, then moved allthe files into the Oblivion folder, unpacked the .bsa, then ran it like a standard mod without oblivion.esm checked. Works perfectly.


That might work with the .exe unpack thing.

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