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Walking in the same spot.


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Okay so i have a problem where sometimes either myself or NPCs are walking but not getting anywhere. Eventually they get going but can be stuck walking like when they are against a wall in an open space with nothing around them.

They just do this silly shuffle.,

It's not a pathing thing nor does it appear to be a collision thing.

Also is it necessary to path a small interior?


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I've seen what you're talking about as well. I figure it's somewhat related to the swimming through the air thing. Don't see it a lot ... it will go quite a while without surfacing and then be more likely for a while.


Don't think NPCs will execute their AI packages if there's no path grid.

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Additionally to what Viper told us, Striker, here's another piece of Trivia about AI packages and the lack of a proper pathgrid:


When an NPC has to execute its Sleep package and there are two beds available, one six meters beside it and the other three meters above it (in an upper floor), it will go to the one in the upper floor. Or at least try.


That's because if the NPC can't find a proper pathgrid, always will take the nearest point where it can execute its package, but the literal nearest point in space.



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A big wave from across the pond Ike ... must be nearly next year for you.


My sleep package might execute before the "big happening" and it had better not be without pathgrid or I'll wake up in my computer chair almost crippled.

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Thanks everyone for the answers. Unfortunately, I still have the walking in one place problem and altho' I have paths and xmarkers etc everywhere - I even find myself doing it as I walk around in the mod.

In the case of a crowded hotel with 20 guests or so I find they can spend all night trying to find a bed they like even tho' I have placed lots of sleeping areas

They all find a sitting place in the bar or restaurant without much effort but in a crowd they shuffle a lot - looks like they are working a treadmil...

It's probably my own unique problem as my mod is way too big with many hundreds of NPCs mingling and crossing paths - all with different AI, so anything is possible.

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Ah ... there's the likely culprit. The game has trouble handling a large number of NPCs all at once. Do a test starting out at half the NPCs and keep adding them until you find the limit (or subtracting until you find the limit).

Edited by Striker879
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I'm sure you are right, however I now find them doing a shuffle "miles" away from anyone else, outside in a wilderness area... eventually they may move and continue their journeys ...or not.

I over burden my poor people too much I know some of them have at least 6 different things to do with lots of travel, wander, eat and sleeps included.


It's not as fatal as what happened next..... see my next topic about black faces.

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