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Walking in the same spot.


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From my experience AI packages don't run when your character is far enough from the cell the NPC is in ... but how far is far enough, no idea (maybe it's related to your Oblivion.ini grids to load or something similar). When your character gets within that "range" the game will decide which package has precedence and where the NPC should be.


In my experience it isn't too choosy about where though. Have you ever noticed how in the vanilla game when you enter say the Market District from say Elven Gardens all the Market NPCs that should be there are starting from a little crowd in the center of the District? Same deal when you are heading in from the Talos gate towards Elven Gardens ... same guard walking along the same path and will be at the same point in his patrol no matter the time of day or season of the year providing you come in the gate and follow your usual route at your usual pace.


Kind of a Groundhog Day, Bill Murray type experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is something I have found out that has helped, but not completely ended ... my NPCs shuffling has subsided radically since I installed the " 4 gb patch".


So it seems to have helped my "extremely overcrowded with activity" world with a ram boost, so maybe it has something to do with the priorties of the game engine that are depending on allotting memory space to proceed.

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