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New Mod: Atmora Elder Truth Past [WIP]


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Greetings to all readers, I am new to Nexus, & personally feel like an Apprentice modder, but there is something I have put some work into that I would like to make happen.


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This mod is that I was once an Admin on an Elder Scrolls Roleplay Server for Minecraft. The name of the Server was the Elder Scrolls Roleplay Server.




Originally, I began on the server as any player would, but worked up from Moderator, to Admin, & then Co-Owner until the server was gone. While it was great fun for me, the server was also an excellent community which really explored & loved the lore of the Elder Scrolls series.


When I began, it was relatively new, & being set in the Elder Scrolls universe while not being some greatly familiar landscape like Tamriel, we quickly realized that it was Atmora we could RP in.


We would have many adventures, create fascinating environments, & Role Play much like anyone playing Skyrim might (even had magic of course). I wish to honor this server's passing before it's time & all the players who delved into the universe with me. I also plan to make this, as some were planning to see a mod on Skyrim, & that I have already begun (made cells, regions, some landscape, NPCs).


After the server became more popular, it became more desirable to make a website & forums, which we did a few times. The latest one we still have is http://tesatmora.enjin.com .


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While some of the forums need updating, there is a decent amount of lore research going into this mod, of which I will work on setting up a mod-team & preparing a way to file-share on (perhaps Drop-box or MediaFire, unless there is something better).

It is likely that I may be able to share a word document & the mod-file, while in the future getting a mod-forum together.


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Keeping it simple, the plan of this mod is for a late-game quest to transport the player into the past & end up in Merethic Atmora (about ME 356 might work). While there is little detail about the era, it seems around right before The Return of Ysgramor to Atmora.


What happens to begin this story with several special tomes (readable books) lying in ancient ruins. These books tell of an old ritual to explore the past, utilizing the wooden Dragon Priest mask & shouting atop a mountain.


When going into the past, you are snatched by a dragon & dropped in the Sea of Ghosts, only lucky enough to board an Atmoran ship headed to Jylkurfkyk.


Once there, the player can explore a pre-frozen-over Atmora (it will still be chilly like Skyrim though), participate in ending their Civil War, & 'save' Atmora from dark forces (defeat a Dragon rivaling Alduin). By the end of such adventure, you may meet Ysgramor & see a few Dwemer (do not expect to see many though, in such troubling times; they will still be mysterious).


By the end of the mod, perhaps the player will learn some new shouts, find their views on what happened to Atmora (there will be semi-conflicting/compounding events to explain it), & a chance to try to comprehend the Dwemer.


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Overall, it is my goal to get this mod published at some point & having a way to update it overtime. It will probably start out as Alpha, once a landmass & some basic cities are built. This project is something I need help on, particularly with some scripting, custom models, meshes, textures, quest editing, & possible dialogue, but so far I have handled the map & some basics.


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Please let me know some thoughts & where I could keep going from. I may try to begin file-sharing once I know a little more.


Of course I do not aim to solicit or break any Nexus rules either, so do help if you like.

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Hi, I wanted drop by and express interest in helping out with dialogue/voice work. Unfortunately I'm not a modded in any I'm sorry I'm not able to help in the ways that seemed more vital in these circumstances. But as I said, if ever you need a voice for your mods, feel free to contact me

Sex: Male

Age: 20

Ethnicity: Filipino (though barely any accent)

Experience: Small lines for an upcoming Fallout 3 mod. 2 years in college as a classical voice performance major. 4 years in high school as a musician (classical voice, jazz voice, guitar, saxophone, piano, and more), one year in theater studies, and I was the student musical director for the student production of Cannibal! The Musical.

I should mention that I don't have a PC to run any mods or much less the vanilla game, but I just really want to help out and get started in a voice acting career.

Here below is a demo reel of my voice showcasing some of what I can do. If you'd rather send me some lines and have me recite those, that would be cool too!


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I have viewed your link, and actually do like the voice-acting. It will be a bit interesting to see how this mod could be voice-acted, since the setting would make at least modern English seem odd.


My thought is to possibly have a few characters voiced, such as main characters, & maybe use in-game subtitles of course. Probably what might work best for such parts might be something spoken in the Dragon Language ( www.thuum.org ) or Dwemeris might be interesting for voice acting.


I'm still relatively newer at modding, so my plan is to get something set up (a team) via Nexus, Reddit, & maybe Dark Creations. That is when I will have a fileshare set up & may look for voice actors.


Thank you for your interest. I will make note to contact you when possible.

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I figure that I will likely work on getting the mod-file out ASAP & on the proper forums. My express concern on Nexus, since I am fairly new, is making sure I can get some measure of community interested in this project without irresponsible promotion. Likely soon, I will put up a link that anyone interested can look at on their own volition.


If anyone has any tips & experience with linking, creating mod teams, &/or file sharing, please do feel free to help me out (PM might be a good idea). I want to make sure it gets done right on Nexus &/or elsewhere.



So far, it looks like using Proboards & MEGA might work for files & forums, though I could try other options.

Edited by ScRBMCMavenEndo
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