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Rad X taken and Rad-Away taken statistics always 0


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Title relevant. Every other statistics in pipboy / stats / general works but these 2.


Any idea why, or at the least whereabouts would I look for the source of the statistics numbers in FO3Edit ? It's no big deal but it always bugs me. My current character ate so much of those 2 she's addicted to them :D


My load order is http://pastebin.com/tWCTj4gk (last esp is my personal conflict solving and whatnot esp)

Edited by mamelukturbo
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The order is sorted by LOOT and the T6M PA plugin is there because I first used just T6M PA replacer, only later moved to full T6M replacer. I mix a lot of power armor replacers, but all conflicts amongst them are resolved in the last esp with all power armors having the .nif I want for each sex and stats+scripts from FWE. So I could probably remove the T6M pa esp but there's no need as all PA records conflict winners have values from FWE + model from T6M or bornagain or FWE according to my tastes. edit: but you were right, check the edit at the end of post


On a sidenote the last esp isn't just changing few records, I literally spent months ironing all the conflicts and resolving them in said esp. It modifies the following: http://pastebin.com/eBAPsDWv + a ton of WRLD and CELL records to make all exteriors use Xepha's Weather and all interiors use URWL-ENB. This all on top of numerous changes made to esps of certain mods directly (fixing typos etc). Each and every single esm and esp are also made to have the masters sorted according to the actual order. Mods that need to be cleaned are rid of ITM and UDR records as well of course.


Basically what I do whenever I install a new mod is open FO3Edit and go through EVERY SINGLE record of the mod to ensure the resulting records are in line with the main mods I use. Tedious but gets me playsessions of 5h plus without crash.


Bottom line, the load order is not the issue, because any issues arising from the laod order are properly sorted in the last esp. What I really need to know is only the origin of the number, it has to be calculated in a script or global variable or something. If I know which record id controls these 2 particular counts I can fix it but I for the life of me can't find the source of the stats.


edit: I just had a quick muck-around in FO3Edit and you're right the T6M PA replacer can go. Thanks for the tip!

Edited by mamelukturbo
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If you choose to ignore to mod authors instructions on the correct order their mods should be ordered, I would guess you are on your own in addressing any problems or questions you might have.


As for the T6M Power Armor, it is clearly listed as being included in the T6M Equipment Replacer mod description. Thoroughly reading the mod description page and the mod ReadMe would eliminate months of ironing out and resolving conflicts.

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I get your concerns and the T6M PA replacer was there for reasons mentioned (perhaps you read it while I was editing the post and the edit's weren't there yet) and is now gone (thanks for the tip I always welcome reducing the esp count).


I trust the load order from LOOT + manual checking of each record more than load order instructions often outdated and years old not taking into account newer compatibility patches or mods whatsoever.


Load order is a "crutch" that works with few mods, but the more you use the sooner you come to situation that no amount of load order shuffling will have the winning record with the values you want and you have to make an esp with override record, rendering load order of affected mods irrelevant, since the engine only uses what's in the last column of FO3Edit.


While the core of the issue *might* lie in load order, I would like the discussion steered away from subject of load order, since even if it is the cause it doesn't change the fact that those 2 counts have to come from somewhere regardless of the load order, and it's the source of those 2 numbers I really seek not advice on load order.

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