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Ive been trying to set a few NPCs base barter gold in the IC to 20000 so I can get the full value from my items. I upped the gold amount in the CS through the AI button and also made it so they can repair items. I put this mod at the end of my load order and rebuilt my merged patch with wrye bash. When I check the merchant they still have about 1700ish gold but took on the repair item change. Ive also tried through the console with setbartergold 20000 still no luck. Im stumped and need help
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Certain things in the game are loaded once at the start and stuck that way. This seems to be one of those things. Another of those things is the price of clothes. I think it's stupid that upper class clothing is dirt cheap. :rolleyes: Can't change it though, because the prices are set at the beginning of the game.


Try testing your changes with a brand new game.

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