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Keep accidentally smelting my own items.


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Ummm...be more careful which item you click? It can be a bit tricky when you go to smelt items that are identical to your personal equipment.

Yeah but it's also that their not labeled right. If I have 4 Steel Swords for example and one improved a couple of times it will still stack it with the same set. So it's not about being careful it's more about friendly. Clearly end games you get armor/gear that will not even be what you normally get but the lower levels are sure a pain.

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you can always temporarily store the things you don't want to smelt in a companion or the bag of holding perhaps? also some smelting mods won't even include what you have equiped or things that are enchanted, or marked as favorite, but the different mods all have pros and cons so i suggest you shop around and see what suits you. i've been through 3 such mods so far. right now i'm using ars metallica. not the greatest or the most feature rich but does what it's supposed to with no bs.
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