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  On 8/26/2015 at 1:52 AM, Mushashi7 said:


  On 8/24/2015 at 2:36 AM, Rakasen said:


  On 4/8/2015 at 4:59 AM, Mushashi7 said:


  On 3/27/2015 at 1:40 AM, Darkdemise13 said:

So I'm curious, is it possible to modfiy research items with this? I have too many research items due to using a trainer and when I try to turn them in at the table my game crashes. The can't be destroyed or sold so I can't think of any other way to get rid of them.


No. You can only duplicate certain items with Infinite Shop Supply.

Some quest related items are not stackable. But you can sometimes change the item via a shop window one at a time.


Rings, belts and amulets are not normally stackable. But you can make them. It's a bit tricky though.

Sell a level 1 ring to the merchant in Val Royeaux. Let's pick the common '+5% Armor Penetration' (grey). You want the purple level 3 'Superb Ring Of Armor Penetration'.


Sell the common grey item to the merchant. Do NOT close the shop window but go to 'Buy back' and buy 1, then one more, and the third time the stock will be infinite (1000).

Go to CE and change the item in the 'Change' box.

Go back to the 'Buy back' window and buy the desired amount.

Leave the shop.

Check in you inventory that the items are there with the right value, colors and desciption.


See my answer below for an step to step guide:




Hey Mushashi, I've been trying this trick for a while with no effect. I'm trying to stack a bow so I can change it into Hakkon's Wrath, which didn't drop for me when I killed the Ice Giant. :C Sucks too since its BiS for me atm.
I've tried every other Cheat Engine method thats on the forums but unfortunately, while I can change a normal bow to Hakkon's Wrath, its only in name and description, since the new "Hakkon's Wrath" will still have the original bow's damage, enchantments, and stats.
However, reading this gives me hope, seeing as it should give you the item you want, from your description.
Could you explain in more detail about how to do this? Or are bows simply not stackable at all? I honestly just want to add a bow to my inventory. Nothing fancy at all. :sad: I didn't think DA:I would be this hard to mod.
Thanks a bunch man.


If you want an unique item you don't have:


1. Move a unique item to your 'Valuables'.

2. Activate Inventory Item Editor + Shop Item Editor + Infinite Shop Supply.

3. Open a shop window (good idea to use the female merchant in Val Royeaux).

* DON'T close the shop window at all during this process. It is all done without closing it.

4. Sell this unique item to the merchant.

5. Buy it back + 1 extra (you now have two identical items and Cheat Engine knows what item it has to change. You can see it in the Shop Item Editor line)

6. Tick the 'Change' box and copy the path (of your desired item) into it and click OK.

7. Now you must buy one more (or several if needed). This time it will be the item you just entered. You can't see it before you close the shop window and check your inventory though.

8. You can now close the shop window. The item will be in your inventory.


It's a good idea to have the 'Short List' perk as it will give you access to the unique items for sure. You don't nesseccary need it, but it might if you have problems.


This procedure goes for all unique items in the game. Amulets, weapons, armor etc.


The duplication of items is selfexplanatory. The only difference is you don't change the item but just buy back more copies.


Was this the answer you needed?



Yes this helped quite a bit. Now I have a shiny Hakkon's Wrath bow. :) Thanks!

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Here's 'The Decent' list:



DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Items/Armors/Helms/Light/equip_DLC_Red_dlcred_helmet_light_t4_1 - Cowl of the Pure
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Items/Armors/Helms/Heavy/equip_DLC_Red_dlcred_helmet_heavy_t4_1 - Revered Defender Helm - Unique







DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Light/OnePiece/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_light_1p - Vestments of the Pure
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Medium/OnePiece/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_medium_1p - Stone Stalker Coat
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Heavy/OnePiece/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_heavy_1p - Revered Defender Armor

DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Medium/Helmets/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_medium_helmet - Stone Stalker Mask
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Heavy/Helmets/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_heavy_helmet - Revered Defender Helm
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Light/Helmets/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_light_helmet - Cowl of the Pure




DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Swords/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_sword - Revered Defender Longsword
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Greataxes/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_maul - Revered Defender Maul
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Shields/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_shield - Revered Defender Bulwark
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Rogue/Bows/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_bow - Lyrium-Reinforced Longbow
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Rogue/Daggers/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_dagger - Stone Stalker Blade
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Rogue/Bianca/dlcred_recipe_bianca_aiming_t3_dlcred - Bianca Aiming IV
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Rogue/Bianca/dlcred_recipe_bianca_arms_t3_dlcred - Bianca Arms VII
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Rogue/Bianca/dlcred_recipe_bianca_grip_t3_dlcred - Masterwork Gilded Bianca Grip
DA3_dlc_red/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Mage/Staff/dlcred_recipe_dlcred_staff - Lyrium-Infused Staff

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Here's the 'Trespasser' list.

Not entirely complete, but most of the important stuff. All tested and working.



DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Heavy/OnePiece/dlcblue_recipe_heavy_1p_griffon - Griffon Plate (Heavy Armor T3) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Heavy/OnePiece/dlcblue_recipe_heavy_1p_nexus - The Skin That Shields (Heavy Armor T4) - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Medium/OnePiece/dlcblue_recipe_medium_1p_griffon - Griffon Mail (Medium Armor T3) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Medium/OnePiece/dlcblue_recipe_medium_1p_nexus - The Skin That Strikes (Medium Armor T4) - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Light/OnePiece/dlcblue_recipe_light_1p_griffon - Griffon Robes (Light Armor T3) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Armors/Light/OnePiece/dlcblue_recipe_light_1p_nexus - The Skin That Stalks (Light Armor T4) - Trespasser


DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Shields/dlcblue_recipe_shield_counterstrike - The Knight's Second (Shield T3) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Shields/dlcblue_recipe_shield_shieldspoison - The Best Defense (Shield T3) - Trespasser



DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Axes/dlcblue_recipe_lsword_elementaldamage - Brand (Longsword T3) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Greataxes/dlcblue_recipe_greataxe_prismatic - Prismatic Greataxe (Greataxe T3) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Greataxes/dlcblue_recipe_greataxe_whirlwind - The Dancer's Axe (Greataxe T2) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Greataxes/dlcblue_recipe_greatsword_prismatic - Chromatic Greatsword (Greatsword T3) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Warrior/Greataxes/dlcblue_recipe_greatsword_swordstaff - Blade of Tidarion (Staff Blade T3) - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Rogue/Bows/dlcblue_recipe_bow_explosive - Elgar'nan Enaste (Bow T3) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Rogue/Daggers/dlcblue_recipe_dualdagger_weaponchain - Armada Captain's Knife (Dual-Blade Dagger T2) - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Recipes/Weapons/Mage/Staff/dlcblue_recipe_staff_singing - Encore (Staff T3) - Trespasser


DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Health - Sigil of the Tusket (+100% Maximum Health, -100% Armor Rating)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Damage_Lightning - Sigil of the Gamordan Stormrider (+10% Electricity Damage, -50% All Other Damage)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Damage_Fire - Sigil of the Highland Ravager (+10% Fire Damage, -50% All Other Damage)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Damage_Cold - Sigil of the Greater Mistral (+10% Cold Damage, -50% All Other Damage)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Damage_Spirit - Sigil of the Arcane Horror (+10% Spirit Damage, -50% All Other Damage)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Vigor - Sigil of the Great Bear (+100% Maximum Mana/Stamina, -50% Mana/Stamina Regeneration)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Healing - Sigil of the Nug (+25% Heal Bonus, -25% Attack)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Offense - Sigil of Deathroot (+10% Attack, -50% Heal Bonus)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Barrier - Sigil of Lyrium (+50% Barrier, -50% Health)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Plenty - Sigil of the Giant (+50% Mana/Stamina Regeneration, +100% Cooldown Times)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Flanking - Sigil of the Deepstalker (+200% Flanking Damage, -50% Attack)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Guard - Sigil of the Bronto (+100% Max Guard, -100% Max Barrier)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Poison - Sigil of Fernaldis (+100% Poison Damage, -50% All Other Damage)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Draining - Sigil of the Revenant (35% Heal On Kill / -50% Maximum Health)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/Sigils/dlcblue_upgrade_Sigil_Front_Armor - Sigil of the Chevalier (+15% Front Armor / -50% All Other Armor)


DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Masterwork/crafting_masterwork_bees - Fade-Touched Honeycomb - Trespasser


Yellow/golden items:
DA3_DLC_Blue/designcontent/Items/dlcblue_silverring - Silver Ring
DA3_DLC_Blue/designcontent/Items/dlcblue_capricecoins - Caprice Coins
DA3_DLC_Blue/designcontent/Items/dlcblue_cologne - Bottled Cologne
DA3_DLC_Blue/designcontent/Items/dlcblue_catalogue - Anekerj Halffer: A Diverse Catalogue of Treasures
DA3/DesignContent/Items/Ferelden/fer_wild_merc_orders - Orders

'Black & Red' items:
DA3_DLC_Blue/designcontent/Items/dlcblue_lacqueredbox - Lacquered Box
DA3_DLC_Blue/designcontent/Items/dlcblue_napkin - Crumpled Silk Napkin
DA3_DLC_Blue/designcontent/Items/dlcblue_brokenmask - Broken Mask






DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Warrior/TwoHanded/Greatswords/dlcblue_equip_sword_the20_evileye - The Clasping Maw - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Warrior/TwoHanded/Greataxes/dlcblue_equip_greataxe_the20_leapattack - Single Incarnation - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Warrior/WeaponShield/Maces/dlcblue_equip_mace_the20_beehive - Cudgel of the gold-and-ebon Queen - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Warrior/WeaponShield/Swords/equip_lsword_t2_lyrium - Sword of Charris Allied - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Warrior/WeaponShield/Swords/dlcblue_equip_lsword_the20_elementalweapon_ice - Rime - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Rogue/Bows/equip_bow_t3_3_unique - Longbow of the Griffon - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Rogue/Daggers/dlcblue_equip_dualdagger_the20_weaponchain - Armada Kaptain's Knife - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Rogue/Daggers/equip_dagger_t2_lyrium - Blade of Tuhna Allies - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Mage/Staff/equip_staff_t2_lyrium - Staff of Aidahn Allies - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Mage/Staff/dlcblue_equip_staff_the20_permafire - Herat of Rage - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Rogue/Bows/dlcblue_equip_bow_the20_piercing - Arrowwood
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Rogue/Daggers/dlcblue_equip_dagger_the20_rampage - Bloody Bargain (dagger) - Trespasser


DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Warrior/WeaponShield/Shields/dlcblue_equip_shield_the20_shieldsplosion - The Best Defense - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Weapons/Warrior/WeaponShield/Shields/dlcblue_equip_shield_the20_toxiccloud - Stinking Cheater - Trespasser


DA3/Equipment/Items/Armors/Medium/dlcblue_equip_armor_medium_nexus - The Skin That Stalks - Trespasser



DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Belts/dlcblue_equip_acc_belt_blue_elecboost_3 - Superb Belt of the Storm Pact - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Belts/dlcblue_equip_acc_belt_blue_fireboost_3 - Superb Belt of the Inferno Pact - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Belts/dlcblue_equip_acc_belt_blue_attackspeed_lowhp_3 - Superb Belt of Urgency - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Belts/dlcblue_equip_acc_belt_nexus - The Bind That Guides - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Belts/dlcblue_equip_acc_belt_blue_damagereturn - Belt of Retaliation - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Belts/dlcblue_equip_acc_belt_blue_coldboost_3 - Superb Belt of the Winter Pact - Trespasser

DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Amulets/dlcblue_equip_acc_amulet_blue_stamonkill_3 - Superb Amulet of Second Wind (warrior only) - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Amulets/dlcblue_equip_acc_amulet_nexus - The Eye That Weaps - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Amulets/dlcblue_equip_acc_amulet_blue_evasion_3 - Superb Amulet of Evasion - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Amulets/dlcblue_equip_acc_amulet_blue_critchain_3 - Superb Amulet of Critical Chain - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Amulets/dlcblue_equip_acc_amulet_blue_genbarrier_3 - Superb Amulet of Barrier - Trespasser
DA3/Equipment/Items/Accessories/Rings/dlcblue_equip_acc_ring_nexus - The Hand that Cuts - Trespasser


DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_heavy_1p_legion - Bownammer Plate
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_heavy_1p_reaver - Disciple's Armor
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_heavy_arcane_warrior - Sentinel Plate
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_light_1p_alchemist Alchemical - Rigging (says "light" but it's actually restricted to Rogues)
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_light_1p_bloodmage - Robes of the Forbidden School
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_light_1p_keeper - Dalish Robes
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_light_1p_westhaupt - Griffon Robes
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_light_solas_hooded - Wolf's Coat
DA3_DLC_Blue/Equipment/NewArmors/dlcblue_equip_armor_light_solas_hoodless - Vestments of Rebellion




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