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Tsbua-less Katana Model


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Well, this is my first request, and I think it's easy enough for Blender pros, but what do I know? What I'd like is if some kind modder would take the basic katana mesh from the game (the one handed one, that has the scabbard) and remove the tsuba from it.


It'd be, I think, usefull for modders making unsual swords. I myself intend to use it and mah awesome retexturing (and new renormaling) skills to make a Shikomizue, or Japanese swordstick.


Of course, I'll give credits and kudos for this help!

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Well, quality isn't exactly needed for this butchery job. It is just a matter of deleting some verts and adding a few back in and matching the new faces up in the UV Map. It is a less than 15 minute job which is why I took it (during my lunch break)


I'm nowhere near my gaming machine so I downloaded this katana which looks like the original mesh that comes with the game.


Here is a quick snapshot of what it looks like (obviously with the re-tex...not the original)


Click for larger pic:




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Well, I've taken a look at it, and the model you altered has a very, very funny UV mapping (I think is the term) that involvs glowmaps or something, and it's kinda borking up my retexturing attempts. Is there any way someone could make those same modifications to the regular mesh? I'd be happy to upload it somewhere if it'd help.
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The problem isn't the UV Map, it is the Emissive Color. It is currently set to #ffffff which is white and needs to be set to #000000 which is black.


Open the NIF with NifSkope, expand the "NiTriStrips" called "LongSword:0" and select the NiMaterialProperty and you will see the 4 colors in the block details. They are normally white, white, black, black but as you have noticed, it gives off a glow with emissive at full white.

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