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I've seen screenshots of object shadows in FO3, probably as part of an ENB. I'm not interested in any of the other stuff that ENBs add, but I would like some shadows. What is the best method to get shadows in my game? Is there maybe a minimalist ENB that only adds shadows?

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Shadows are part of the game. The adjustments are available from the menu screen under "Settings". Use the "Display" option. If you use FOMM, the settings are available under the "Game Settings" option, "Shadows" tab.

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This may work for ATI cards as well, but I know for a fact that this works for Nvidia cards. Open up the Nvidia Control Panel, go to manage 3d settings, find fallout 3 in the dropdown list, and change Ambient Occlusion to either performance or quality. This will provide shadows for practically everything and it looks wonderful! Here is a before-after comparison I have taken with Ambient Occlusion off and then on. The performance drop on my laptop is very minimal, but it gives a lot more depth to every scene.





Edited by phoenix0113
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