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Character Name


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My Name is "Aiedial" meaning "The Morning Star".

Aiedial? Guess you take the name from Eldest? I remember Arya saying something like" Come, it's time to leave. Aiedail has set, and we have far to go."


Fair name! Is Aiedail a she?

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Pls help how can I change my players name and class without getting all my stats reset


Open the console and write "player.setactorfullname <name>" to change name, and "showclassmenu" to change class. The name change doesn't change stats, but I don't know if showclassmenu does.




My character's name is Lr5 whatever I do. Same in oblivion, runescape etc.

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My favorite character name ever has been, is and will always be Daeron.

This is in elven language (Sindarin) and means: The shadowed.

Although it is an elven name, I use it for a drow. He was my first RPG character ever, and I really have to play him everywhere possible. ^^"


Then I do have a dark elf called Shennuyen, a female dark elf named Evanshalee and so on.

Other good names: (I better should say I play either dark elves or elves ^^)


Pharaun (DE)

Seiyou (E)

Giciel (DE)

Shenjal (DE)

Xenophas (DE)

Xandros (DE)

Illynar (E)


All right... I'd better stop. ^^ I'm adicted to role play and I know a lot of names. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ever since I thought of it, my major character's name has always been "Omegano". It's also the only name I've thought of with a meaning. I took omega, the last letter of the greek alphabet, also meaning "the end", and added no to the end of it, and declaired it meant "Never the end". Since then, I've found that making names from some greek letters actually sound good for rpg characters. Some examples:







Anyway, my first Oblivion character named Omegano was a Kajiit, and he's something of a jack-of-all-trades. At least now he is, he was at first a fighter/stealth character. When he got to the point where there wasn't much more before he mastered his skills, he then branched out into the mage area.



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My new character's name is Quick-Fist well..because he uses his fists as his primary weapon, and does more damage than bladed or blunt weapons (9 as opposed to 6 with the akavari katana).


He is also a conjurer.


Yes, Argonian too.

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LA la la la no1 here im bored

Hi Kagome, please don't make posts like this, as it's against our spam rules. Thanks. This isn't a chat room, so there often aren't people around to talk. ^^

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