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Oblivion Or World Of Warcraft


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I just want to know what you think is better Oblivion or WOW

I am a great fan of both games!

Also, what is better for an adventurer:


a) they can carry a infinate amount of items up to a certain weight


b) they can carry a certain amount of items depending on their bag slots, not having to worry about weight.

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I dont have WoW so I move my vote to Oblivion :)



As for the second one, thats like :


A) Oblivion inventory managment


B) Diablo II inventory managment


you could even add C) , Fable style, where u can carry an infinite ammount with no weight restrictions\


I cant choose between A and B... They both have theyr advantages and disavantages.

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You do realize this is like asking "which is better, being tortured to death for 10 years or being tortured to death for 100 years?", right?


I think I'll have to go with 10 years (Oblivion) myself. While an awful game and a huge disappointment, it's still better than WoW. Not that I'd call that a very impressive feat though, considering how bad WoW is...

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WOW sucks, because you have to pay for online play, like a month, when Diablo 2 was free, those where the good old days.


Oblivion is a awsome game, beats wow anyday.

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WOW sucks, because you have to pay for online play, like a month, when Diablo 2 was free, those where the good old days .


Oblivion is a awsome game beats wow anyday


what you mean when Diablo 2 was free? It's STILL free, always been. IT seems that most ppl prefer Oblivion to WoW lol...

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I havent't played WoW but from what a friend of mine said about it i'd go for oblivion anyway


Also with the carrying thing i would say 1 but what would be best is putting them both together then you have the best ever.

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