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Need help with hardcore tech issue


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Ok, so until last night, I have been running my game perfectly for the most part, considering I am running it on Win 7 x86. My problem started as I said last night, I saved my game prior to quitting and when I went back to load my game all I got was Please Stand By. Ok, no worries, I'll just go get me something to drink, come back and it will be fine right? Wrong! 15 mins later, still says Please Stand By. Well I am a patient sort of person, for the most part, but 15 mins? Please! So I did control + alt + delete to bring up task manager. Right click Fallout.exe, end process tree.


Restart PC, just cus that's what I do so I can do an offline defrag. Run Ccleaner, start O&O defrag. Launch FOMM to launch FOSE, game starts loading, game crashes, PC crashes. WTF?!?! Ok, no worries, start PC, offline defrag, Ccleaner, defrag, launch FOMM, FOSE launches, game crashes, PC crashes.


Normal startup, uninstall FOMM, uninstall FO3, delete Bethesda folder, Ccleaner, defrag. Reinstall FO3, 1.7 patch, DLCs, run it NO mods. Game crash, PC crash! Go through normal start up as listed above, run ESET for viruses. 4 hours later AV finishes, no viruses. Start to get upset......install FOMM, no FOSE. Launch FOMM, crash!


Get totally upset. Wipe hdd and re-installed linux. Hate Windows anyways, was only back on it to play FO3. I will re-install Windows IF someone can shed some light on wtf happened and how to avoid it in the future.



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Ccleaner is good, but it doesn't appear to remove all the registry stuff it could. I run the Eusing Registry Cleaner after Ccleaner, and it always finds a load of entries Ccleaner missed for some reason. It just seems to be more thorough. Whether this has any bearing on your problem I don't know though.


Could this be a hardware fault that's developed? Fallout does make high demands on the video card & memory. Do you run any other graphics-intensive software on the same machine?


EDIT: Ah but then you said it crashed before you got it loaded. Scratch the hardware fault idea..

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Yep, I second roquefort. Fallout doesn't have a lot of registry entries, almost everything happens in the Fallout.ini, the FalloutPrefs.ini and RendererInfo.txt file in the 'My Games' folder. This is another point. Already deleted the spoken files? Run the default Fallout Launcher to create new ones. If you changed some points in there or otherewise some settings this might happen.


You also might consider a HD scan and defragging as well.

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ok, FO3 + DLCs + mods have been installed. No issues yet. But I never had any issues before either for a couple months. So let's see what happens. Thanx for everyone trying to help out on this.
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