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History Rewtriten Book ~ End of Game


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I was browsing trought the "Anyone else find this unfair'' forum, and I got an Idea for a Mod. I never created one, and im unsure at jumping into this bussiness. So I though someone could perhaps make this small mod?



Adds a Book once you beat the game, wich list your exploits along other Heroes, very much like the one you receive when you become owner of Thirsk in Morrowind, Bloodmoon expansion. Shouldnt be too hard, a nice literal fun for those of you who like to write.


I sugest posting your story here ( the one that you would like to appear in such a mod if it where created, so at least if no one wants to do the mod, we'll have some fun)


Simply imagine, how much joy this would bring to you once you beat the MQ... If it where scripted to reconize other titles, such as arch-mage once you became one, Master at Fighter guild, etc, would be very fun too. I launched the ball, talented modders and writers all alike, its your turn to Serve.

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Fine, il Start


















The Champion of Cyrodiil



The temple crumbled at his feet. The avatar of Akatosh delivered the final battle against Mehrumes Dagon.

Who is this hero who, with Martim Septim, saved the people of Tamriel from certain doom? Who is this hero, who saved Kvatch? Who is this hero, with the courage of an army, the strengh of a daedric lord and the skill of a god? Who is this hero, who dares stepping in the planes of Oblivion simply for the sake of the people of Cyrodiil (personal note: and sigil stones lol)? This Hero, is <Name> , following the teaching of the <class>, born as a <race>, under the sign of <birth sign>. He is the one who <sharpened his sword on our ennemies necks/mastered the arcane arts/shots arrows faster than the wind (deppending on Combat/magic/stealth character oriantation)>. He truly is an hero to equal the Nerevarine, he is the champion of Cyrodiil! Only 6 (I think) others have been awarded this grand honor! We know that Tamriel is a safer place with such heroes defending it...

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it actually wouldn't be too hard to make a book like that, just a little time. the scripting wouldn't be hard, the hard part would be getting it to you and tying it in. As for the scripting, if oblivion is anything like c++, then all you would need to do is tell a story with a few character variables tossed in, and if you wanted to dwell deeper, you could do "if" checks. such as(i don't know oblivion variables, so i will make them up):




cout>> " ">> playername >> " also did a remarkable job eliminating the rogue mage north of Anvil, after that person had killed multiple merchants along the road. etc., etc.";



It would take a while to run through all quests, but a lot of people apparently would be happy tho...

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it actually wouldn't be too hard to make a book like that, just a little time. the scripting wouldn't be hard, the hard part would be getting it to you and tying it in. As for the scripting, if oblivion is anything like c++, then all you would need to do is tell a story with a few character variables tossed in, and if you wanted to dwell deeper, you could do "if" checks. such as(i don't know oblivion variables, so i will make them up):




cout>> " ">> playername >> " also did a remarkable job eliminating the rogue mage north of Anvil, after that person had killed multiple merchants along the road. etc., etc.";



It would take a while to run through all quests, but a lot of people apparently would be happy tho...



Yeah... Could make a story about the Nerevarine as well, and invent a few other heroes ^_^ . For some reason lets say im not super talented at scripting, gonna have to take a tutorial, tho I never seem to find a good one...

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The book should be called 'The Nameless Hero'





Well the point is to NOT be nameless :), to give the hard working player some fame and glory at the end of the game, when they tried so hard, and all they get is simple Hail Champion from a few guards.

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