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New to modding. Any mods I don't need?


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Hi, so I'm new to modding. I know how to mod and all that, but I have a ton of mods and some do the same thing. Like I have three fair skin comp. I don't really know which I should use so I added them all. and some other mods too. My game looks alright, but i'm always finding things i need to improve on.


I'll tell you the big thing. My character. Basically I want a really cute petite female character but im not sure which mods to use. i have a ton on here but i need some help on which ones i should remove. see the spoilers.


another thing, i don't have the best computer either so i have a lot of optimization mods installed but im still getting about 20fps in the wilderness which isn't bad but are there any mods i have that i don't need that would help improve my game or any mods i should install??













Any help and suggestions are appricated, thanks in advance.

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things to remove:

-Footprints mods

these add unnecessary strain on the game. for better computers it isnt noticed, but lower end PCs will get a hit.


-Inconsequential NPCs

this should be obvious, more entities less FPS. just how it works.


-Whiterun Outskirts Market

reason: "This mod adds alot of objects and visuals to the outskirts of Whiterun, it is adviseable to have a mid-high range pc to run it without any lag." the owner is quite right about this fact.


-Open Cities

i recommend removing this first out of all the others. you should only have this mod active if you're getting more then 30 FPS. it is a real FPS hog.


-all of JKs city overhauls

same reason as open cities for the most part, but again remove open cities first and check the FPS.


those are my recommendations to help improve your FPS.

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